Chapter 5

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I opened the door to the building and saw a few desks lined up. The place was really dim and smelt like wet towels when you leave them too long in a pile. One of the deputy's noticed me and started walking towards me.
'Ma'am do you need help with something?' He questioned raising his eyebrows at my bags by my feet.
'Oh, um, I am here for the sherif?' I asked not quite sure what I was meant to do.
'What is your name ma'am?' He asked politely.
'Kara, k-Kara Danvers' I stuttered.
'Okay, thank you Kara I will go get Sheriff Stilinski.' And with that he left to go get Sheriff Stilinski.

When the deputy came back he was with an older man probably in his 50's with short hair and was wearing Sheriffs attire.
'Hi, you must be the assistant that Thalia sent, Kara is it? Asked the sheriff
'Yes it is.' I replied,
'Well I'm John Stilinski, no need for formalities and yeah. Oh I just need to finish up on some work back here so you can just make your self comfortable on the couch over there and I'll be out in bout 15 minutes!'
He finished looking at his watch. I walked over to the couch and sat down silently looking up to see a tv situated on a wall above the reception counter. The news was on so I watched that, the next segment was about to start when the words
Breaking News appeared on the screen. I listened to the reporter as she started to speak hastily.
'The plane has lost another engine and is now circling around a farm near Beacon Hills. This plane that had only left California 2 hours ago ha-' I started to panic. My sister is flying in from California right now! I quickly used my super eye sight to find the plane and in one of the windows was a panicked face, Alex's face!

I rushed to the door of Sheriff Stilinski's office and said I was going to go to the bathroom. I raced towards the bathroom and seeing that there was a window in it I opened it and flew out, leaving my jacket behind. I got to where the plane was circling and quickly placed myself under the belly of the plane slowly steadying in and lowering it into the field below. Then a farmhouse came into view. Great! I leaned the plane to one side grunting at the effort, trying to avoid the farmhouse but the right wing took off the roof! Oops! I then settled the plane on the grass and I stood up on the wing making sure everyone was okay. Everyone had their phones out taking photos, but the only person I was focused on was Alex the look on her face told me she would be calling me about this. I took off flying back to the police station and flying through the window into the bathroom, quickly brushing off the dirt I put my jacket on, flushed the toilet and walked out into the area where the lounge was.

Nearly all of the occupants in the office were crowded around the tv watching the recording of me from the helicopters, luckily no one noticed that it was me. After that John came up to me.
'Okay Kara, I've finished everything up for tonight, we better be heading home.'

We stopped to get Chinese take away on the way to the sheriffs house,
'Now, my son should be home, so could you please put the Chinese on the table while I call him down?' He asked opening the door to his house. I headed for where I thought the dinning room was and put the take out on the table as I heard John call out to his son.

The thumping of footsteps on the stairs was loud as the boy crashed down the stairs,
'Hey dad!' He said not noticing me yet but when he did he turned to his dad giving him a surprised look
'Who is this dad?' He ask suspiciously.
'Oh of course how rude of me not to introduce! This is Kara Danvers she is from National City and she has come here to help me at the sheriff's office, she will also be starting school tomorrow at the high school!'
'And Kara this is my son, Stiles. He is in the same grade as you so he will show you around at school!'

'I will?' Stiles asked
'Yes you will!' John said scolding Stiles for his behavior.
'Okay let's sit down and eat!' John said before the tension could build. For most of the conversation the two had asked me questions about my job and the city, then after dinner John told his son to go help me with all my boxes and bags that were still in his car.

When we were walking to the car Stiles asked me the question that always leaded onto a question that always came up.
'How old are you?'
'Seventeen.' I replied
'Why are you working for a media company full time if your only 17, don't you go to school?'
'Oh, I don't go to school anymore. I actually graduated when I was fifteen, but if you wouldn't mind keeping that secret and not tell everyone about my past school life that would be great!' I exclaimed scared he would tell everyone and then I would get bullied and treated bad before I had even finished my first day.
'Yeah of course!' He said smiling. We carried the rest of my stuff in, and set the everything in the spare room without a word.
'Okay, well, I'll leave you to it!' He stated awkwardly, walking out of my new room.

First I put all my clothes in the dresser and my shoes in the drawer. I take my photos and line them across the top of the dresser, around the mirror I place my jewellery box. I unpack my toiletries into the cabinet in the bathroom and then I took a quick shower. After the shower I felt much better, I felt refreshed. I walked back into my bedroom to change into my blue and red spotted PJ's, put my hair up into a bun and took a seat on my bed.

Choo Choo

What was that, there are no trains anywhere near Beacon Hills, then I remembered that was my text tone for my phone, Alex had texted me.

Alex: What the hell were you thinking!

Kara: I was thinking that you and a whole lot of other people were going to die if I didn't save you!

Alex: Well now you have exposed yourself! have you seen the news?

Kara: Yeah, I did but they were saying I was a hero!

Alex: Well you might want to have a look right now because they are not sure if you are here to help or cause more damage, you nearly destroyed a whole farmhouse! And leaving a mess for everyone else to clean up!

Kara: What?!?!? Well you expect me to save a whole plane without leaving a little bit of damage? Why don't you try to carry a plane on your shoulders and landing it without getting squashed between the plane and the ground, see how that works out for you!

I turned off my phone, I'd heard enough of this, I try to do something good and look what happens! I collapse on my bed, something then caught my eye, it was the last thing in the box. It was the photo of Superman, I leaned it against my wall and covered it with a cloth so in case someone came into my room and spotted it.

I am really tired right now I just need to sleep, but my thoughts kept me awake and then I was slowly drifting off to sleep.

Hey people who read this book! What do you think is going to happen tomorrow, Kara's first day of school!

Love you all!!!

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