Chapter 16

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'I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation.' Liam told us,
'What did they call it?' Scott asked Liam.
'Intermittent Explosive Disorder.' Liam said shamefully,
'An IED? Your literally an IED, that's great. You gave superpowers to a walking time bomb.' Stiles said giving Scott a thumbs up at the end.

'Did they give you anything for it?' I ask concerned about his health.
'Risperdal. It's an antipsychotic.' Liam tells me.
'Oh this just gets better.' Stiles adds,
'But I don't take it.' Liam says.
'Obviously.' Stiles adds again making me frustrated.

'Oh, shut up Stiles.' I shout at him getting tired of his nonsense.
'I can't play lacrosse on it. It makes me too tired.' Liam says,
'Okay. I think you should bail out of the game. Tell coach your legs still hurting.' Scott finishes.
'No, no. I can do this. Especially if your there.' Liam tells Scott,
'But Liam, it's not just about the game. We think whoever killed Demarco might be on our team.' Scott explains to Liam.

'Who's Demarco?' Liam asks confused.
'The one that brought the beer to the party. The guy who was beheaded. Remember?' Stiles tells him,
'We think the person who ordered the keg killed Demarco.' Scott says. Liam looks down at the ground as if he were trying to remember something.

'Liam?' I ask, not sure whats wrong.
'What, you know something?' I question, curiously.
'I don't know who ordered the keg. But I know who paid for it.' Liam says, all of us realising that Garrett was the one who paid for the keg.

I sat down on the bench next to Scott in my lacrosse uniform ready to play my first game. We were near Garrett and I was getting anxious.
'Shouldn't we do something now?' I ask Scott.
'I mean, we can't. We're still not really sure if it's really him. And if we're wrong, then the real assassin gets away' Scott said, reasoning with me.
'Nervous?' He asks me,
'About someone trying to kill us? Or about playing my first game?' I question him.

'Both?' he asks, I look up to see the Devonford Prep players walking infant of my then I look towards Stiles.
'Definitely both.' I tell him, I am a bit nervous but to be honest I knew I could take on the other lacrosse team. I was just unsure if I was on the dead pool or not, because I'm not really a supernatural creature. I am an alien.

I walked onto the field where Liam was and started to talk to him.
'I don't care if he's a foot taller then me.' Liam told me, looking towards a shirtless Brett, Devonford Prep's lacrosse captain.
'I think I can take him.' he continues to tell me.
'Yeah.' I say and I continue to look at Brett putting his uniform on.
'What do you think you're doing?' Liam asks me, noticing where I'm looking.

'What? Me? Agreeing with you. I'm being agreeable.' I tell him, brushing off what I know he really means.
'You think he's hot, don't you?' He asks me accusingly.
'No! No. Not at all. No way.' I say to him. I look at him again, fixing his uniform.

'Maybe.' I say tilting my head to the side to get a better view.
'Yeah. Maybe a little.' I tell him.
'He wants to destroy me.' Liam reminds me,
'I think you could definitely take him.' I say giving him some courage.
'And then give him to me.' I add. We then just laugh it off.
'No, no just let's get out there and kick there smug prep school asses, I'll be right beside you.' I tell him still having a little laugh.
'Alright.' He says back.

'Let's go! Let's go, Come on!' Coach yells at us,
'Hey, McCall. I said get your ass out on the field.' I hear coach say, so I dawdle a bit and go to stand next to Scott.
'But Coach, his leg's still healing. I don't think he should play.' Scott tells Coach pleading for Liam not to play.
'He said it's fine.' Coach says back to Scott.

'As captain, I'm suggesting Liam sits out the game.' Scott tries, trying to convince Coach to keep Liam off the field, but Coach only laughs at his attempt.
'And as, uh, President of the United States, I'm vetoing that suggestion.' Coach retorts back.
'What if he gets hurt?' I ask Coach, hoping he'll listen.

'Hey Liam, think fast.' I here a voice say and I turn around to catch a glimpse at Liam catching a ball that was just thrown at him. Coach sees that as well.
'Oh, he plays.' Coach says, and coaches decision is final.

We are 10 minutes into the first halve and we are losing, Devonford just scored another goal and it is obvious that they are way better then us at this stage in the game.

'Why do I feel like this is gonna end badly?' I ask Scott and Stiles as I walk up to them.
'Because it usually does.' Stiles answered,
'Kara, you keep an eye on Garrett. I'll watch out for Liam.' Scott tells us.
'Yeah, I'm just going to try play lacrosse.' Stiles yells after us as we run to our positions. I keep close to Garrett as we get ready for the next play, and Scott to Liam. Scott is up front with Brett but gets distracted when the whistle goes and Brett gets the ball instead. I run up to support Liam but Brett is already past our first line of defence, two boys knock down Liam as I run past him, towards Brett but I'm not there in time. Brett has already scored another goal for Devonford Prep. Liam gets up off the ground to charge at Brett but Stiles and Scott hold him back.

The whistle blows and Stiles gets the ball first, passing it to me. I look at the ball then I hear Stiles yell,
'Go Kara, run!' So I run towards the goals.
'Pass it! Kara, pass the ball!' Coach yells towards me, but I know what I'm doing. Once I get close enough to the goal I turn and use the momentum to drive the ball into the goal, scoring Beacon Hills their first goal of the season. The crowd goes wild, cheering. Everyone was so excited.

'Woohoo!' I scream jumping up off the ground, I go over to Scott and Stiles but before I can say anything Coach yells at me.
'Danvers! Get over here.' He says pointing his finger at me. So I run over expecting to be praised for scoring a goal.

'Take a seat. You're benched for the rest of the game.' He tells me.
'What? Why?' I ask in disbelief,
'You didn't pass it.' He says.
'But I had an open shot!' I argue,
'The play was for you to pass. This is a scrimmage, it's about Teamwork, Danvers. So you're benched.' Coach finishes. I turn to face Scott with a sad look, he returns it. Now I can't keep an eye on Garrett.

They continued to play without me, but only minutes after I went out Liam, Garrett and Brett all ran into each other. Liam and Brett ended up on the ground and there was a sickening crunch of bones but Garrett was fine and got up quickly. I sprinted onto the field with the rest of the benched players to see what had happened. Liam was on the ground screaming and so was Garrett,
'Okay, back off.' coach says to everyone as he tries to sort everything out. Scott and Stiles pull up Liam as I come to help them.
'How hard did you hit him?' I ask Liam.

'I didn't. He hit me.' Liam replies, Showing us his arm which looks like it was dislocated. Scott grabs Liam's dislocated arm and tells him to close his eyes. The next moment, I hear the cracking of bones but I know Scott is cracking Liam's arm back into place so it can heal properly.
'Ow.' Screams Liam. We turn around to the screams of Brett as they pick him up off the ground and drag him away, one of his legs are beant at an angle that suggests that his leg is broken. But Scott and I's attention is drawn away from Garrett when we hear a blade being put away, we look to Garrett just in time to see the blade go back into his lacrosse stick. He then looks over to Liam and Scott realises something.

'Are you cut? Did Garrett cut you?' Scott asks concerned.
'No, no. I'm okay.' Liam assures Scott.
'Then he missed.' I tell Scott,
'What do you mean.' Liam asks me, but I look to Scott for this one.
'It's you Liam, you're the one he's after.'

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Word count: 15013

Love you all!

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