A plan

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December 18, 6:00

It is dark, sunrise is still over an hour away. Based on what I know, nobody will leave as long as they cannot see the ground from the air.

“Markus, what are we doing here so early? Nobody is here yet, not even the search and rescue.”

“Did you say you wanted answers?”


“I‘m here to make sure you get them. Now, when I get out just follow me.”

“Ok.” Actually, I am not sure I am ok since I am not sure of what we are about to do or if it is even legal.

A car approaches after a few minutes. It stops in the parking lot. I recognize the man that spoke last night right away.

“Now we go!” Markus says as he opens the door. I rush after him.

“Captain Engel, Markus Casellano of the Swiss Herald, may I have a minute?”

The look on the captain's face is clearly annoyed. He quickly looks around; seeing we are the only ones there he stops to face us. Markus has his recorder out already. The captain simply states.

“Mr. Casellano, yes I remember from yesterday. I told you yesterday everything I could. There have been no developments between yesterday night and this morning.”

“If I am not mistaken you did receive the list of items on board the aircraft, yes?”

“Sure we did.” He answers annoyed.

“Then you must know that the aircraft did carry on board less then what is actually needed in case of a crash landing.”

“Excuse me.” I am shocked by the statement. They both stare at me.

“This is John Walter, he has family on board the aircraft.” Markus explains.

The bald man carries on.

“There are many lists for what is required on board an aircraft. I can tell you that based on what we received the aircraft did carry everything required by law.” Then looking directly at me he adds, “Please rest assured that we will do whatever we can to get any survivors back safely. There is a hotline made available for enquiries. I do understand your worry, but your presence here will not help us more then what we are doing already.”

Markus did not get the answer he wanted because he continues.

“The aircraft carries the minimum required by law. What about survival kits, in case of landing in remote areas.”

“There are some survival equipment such as first aid kits, crash axes, fire extinguishers, etc. All the mandatory equipment was onboard. It is true that there are some suggested items according to some aviation associations that go beyond the mandatory list. But such equipment is not required.”

“You are saying that it is your belief the aircraft is fully equipped for the situation.”

“I am a search and rescue officer. Off the record, I would put every possible equipment on board for any possible situation. But I realize that having a spare engine in case something happens to all the others is not very realistic, is it? On record, the survivors will have to deal with the equipment they have and do the best they can. Hopefully, we will find them soon.”

“How long can they survive on what they have, in your opinion?”

“I am not sure. It depends on how effectively they will use what they have.”

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