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Actually this chapter was mostly written since it was on a continuation of John's point of view. 

This chapter is dedicated to another excellent story writer. I have read There's a Jock in my bed by Poetically Damaged (Chris) and I think if you have a chance you should give it a try also. I hope you will like this chapter, enjoy...


December 23, 8:30

“Ever since we started this madness, you were always at Lodrino before sunrise. When I did not see you this morning I thought you had given up, maybe gone back home. I was actually glad for you, even if I was disappointed I did not get the chance to say good bye. But here you are. I am not sure if I am happy or no happy. Is it strange?” The pilot says as we lift off from Lodrino airport and he maneuvers the helicopter outside the circuit area (landing and takeoff area of an airport).

“Not at all. I was about ready to give up many times, but here I am. All this feels strange for me as well.”

“Where do we go this morning?”

“I am not sure.” I look around. I see a lonely bird in the air. “What is that way?” I point in the bird’s general direction.

“St Moritz, it is a nice little village. Tourists go there for skiing. It also has a world renown bobsleigh track. Many of the world’s winter sports events take place there. World skiing competitions, even the winter Olympics.”

‘Sounds like a good place, let’s fly toward it”

“It seems out of the plane’s path, are you sure?”

“We have tried to predict the plane path for the last few days and it hasn’t worked. Who knows maybe we are approaching the problem the wrong way.”

“Maybe you are right. St Moritz it is.”

He veers the helicopter and drops as low as possible. We did not explore this area, nor did the search and rescue. I scan the grounds for any signs of the aircraft, and take regular pictures making sure that the pictures overlap.

I notice that this morning I am more alert. I see things I never noticed in my previous flights. I see the birds flying, I see herds on the ground. What the heck, I see trees, not just the green, but the actual trees. Up to now, I was so worried about searching for the aircraft that I did not see anything else, and because of that, I think that if I actually did see the aircraft I might have missed it unless it was there just staring at me. Now I am more aware. Funny how by being calmer I am actually more focused even if I did not sleep at all last night. I do not love Marco less, maybe I love him more then I ever did before, and I am not less worried; but it is all deep in my heart safely stored. This leaves my mind clear to do what needs to be done right now.

As we reach St. Moritz we have not found any signs of the downed aircraft. From the air I take a few pictures of the town below. The picturesque village sits at the edge of a lake, which is frozen and covered in snow right now. The tallest thing visible is the church’s bell tower that stands out like a slim spear pointing at the sky. All around, there are sky tracks. On most of them we can see activity.

“We did not find any signs of the plane.” My pilot has a tendency to state the obvious. “But at least we saw a nice little village.”

“Yes, it is nice isn’t it.” I smile.

“You are very different today. Usually you are always grumpy and nervous. Today you are  … serene. Yes serene is the best way I can describe you. Are you OK?”

“I am. Yes, I can say I am. Last night I realized that I have a lot to be thankful for and I know everything will be ok in the end.”

“I like this, you are a new man. I like this version a lot more.”

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