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Hi here is the conclusion to my first book. Dedicating it to one of my first Fans (Fronno), love Amsterdam, have been there a couple of times and really hope to visit back soon. 

Well enjoy the conclusion...


December 25, 15:30

"Merry Christmas" John says raising his cup of instant soup.
Everyone cheers as they raise their own cups in the air.

"To Beatrice," a tear still appears every time I mention her name, "without whom we would not be here today."

John places an arm around my shoulder to give me strength as they all reply "To Beatrice!" In unison.
"You still get emotional when you mention her name?" Gertrude tells me on my other side.
"Yes, even after an year is passed. Even dead she still helped us."
"What do you mean?"
"You do not know?"
She just stares at me uncomprehending.
"Our B&B was actually her home."
"This was her home?"
"Yes! Days after we were rescued we came to Puglia to visit her kids. I thought we owned them and her memory to meet her family and tell them all she has done for the passengers on that flight."
"It was very emotional," adds Martina, one of Beatrice's daughters from accross the table. "We loved our mother very much and when Marco described us what she did and how she acted, we recognized her right away. Her energy and strength. We knew that Marco had become part of her family and so ours."
"That is so beautiful." Gertrude adds a tear slowly flowing her cheek.
"John and I felt a connection with the place and the people. So we decided to move to the area. That is when your words about how to find a job that we could both do to fill my requirement to have a home and John's need to travel, during a low season."
"Yes, I remember the conversation," Gertrude responds, "I mentioned the ice cream parlor."
"Yes," I reply, "so we thought that we could start a B&B. The area is amazing, with its pristine beaches and small towns all different from each other."
"Yes, they are amazing," responds Lorraine, she is Markus girlfriend, they have met at a sport store last year. Somehow John finds it amazing and was laughing out loud the minute he met her. "They resemble little Christmas villages, and the Live Presepe in Ostuni was incredible, with its Arabic music and people dressed like in Bethlehem. Like being in an other land."
"Personally, I loved Lecce." Continues Markus, "its white stone building and Baroque architecture. I think it can compete with Florence."
"Now you are exaggerating," tells him John. "I have been to Florence and there is so much more art and statues."
"I am not sure. More known art maybe. But I was talking about the architecture, the buildings. The way the light shines on the stone carvings." He takes a break as to revive the feeling. "Just magical. But we are stealing from Marco. You were talking about how you and John decided to open a B&B."
"No stealing, it is always nice to hear others appreciating the area we chose. Anyway, when we told Beatrice's children about our idea. They offered us to buy her farm house, this place, to make it into a B&B."
"Actually it was more like we would not have it any other way." Martina takes over, "Marco was such an important part of our mother. Is what she would want."
"Please tell me if I am over stepping," continues Markus to John, "didn't you tell me that you used all your savings for the search? I mean, how could you?"
"Francesco, maybe you can answer that one." Our friend is smiling from the corner.
"When I saw the reports on John's efforts and foolishness. I used my blog to promote an effort for the rescue, by accepting donations in their name. When your article aired," he tells Markus directly, "people went wild. In less then a week I had over 100 000 euros on my PayPal account."
"It's not like we could buy this place, but we had a nice boost." Adds John beside me.
"We actually sent gift cards to every person that gave us a donation, equal to the amount they donated. We were pretty busy this season."
"That is such an amazing story. Maybe I should do a follow up on last year by interviewing you again, it would beat any of the stories that the other news papers are doing."
"They are?"
"Yes, all over. Yours was such an extraordinary adventure. I would make a killing. Theoretically I still have the exclusive."
"How much did you make on the story?" John asks, as I punch him in the ribs for his indiscretion. "What have I done?" He replies as the 20 or so people around the table smile.
"Don't worry Marco. It is not a secret as the number was published. I got 250 000 euro. But the nice thing was the contract for the New York Times, to cover European events. That was the real bonus. It was always my dream to work for them."
"It seems like a lot of good happened since then." Says Lorraine.

"Yes dear," responds Gertrude, "It is usually Gods way of doing things. Only by going through the hardships one can appreciate the gifts that we receive after."

"Always the believer, aren't you?" I add with a smile.

She looks at me, then adds. "I believe you also changed your view."

"Yes, I did! Not the same way as you, but I did."

"Did you visit some interesting places this year?"

"What do you mean?"

"I thought the whole idea of doing this line of business was so that you could travel during the low season. So where did you go?"

"No where, I guess we were too busy with the works and the clients. I don't know, there was no time?" I look at John, "actually why didn't we go anywhere? You should answer that since you were the one travelling all the time." He just looks at me, and then simply replies.

"I guess there is no place I would rather stay then with you, home."


That's the end. Hope you enjoy, and don't miss my next book coming up. Between Master and Slave.

Here is a paragraph:

I step outside, the door wide open. He said that I could go for about a meter either way and nothing would happen. I look around closely, I don't seem to find any hidden wires, grates glass. How could he stop me I wonder. 

My attention is taken by something moving two doors down from where I am. A girl in the same hospital gown moves from her window. She looks at me breifly, then sprints toward the edge of the bushes and the road behind. As she takes the second step she falls on the floor spasming.

On impulse I run toward her. My body freezes, I loose control of my muscles as if a shot of electricity takes over my body. All my muscles are on pain and are rigid as I fall to the ground. The sensation stops, but I cannot stop shacking as spasms take over my body. Troughout the ordeal I see and understand everything that is going around even if I have no control on what is going on. As the sensation finally subside, I am slowly able to stand up.  The teacher at the window just stares at me. As he realizes that I am confused but functional again, he simply adds.

"You have about 30 seconds left before the next shock. I recommend you get back in the area of the window."

As I step back I ask, the girl momentarily forgotten. "How did you do that? There are no wires or fences."

Interesting, look for more on the next book.....


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