A wish

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December 19, 13:30 (1:30 pm)

The sun is bathing my face while I am sitting on the wing. Even if it is around zero it feels warmer. With the pieces of metal that we found scattered we were able to make about 30 snow shoes. They get used all the time as passengers line up in order to get some fresh air outside. People are foraging through the bags and everything else they can reach. We found more food, mainly sweets, and other snacks. But every time someone finds something everybody cheers. The pile of food should make for a few more soups, which means a couple of more days. Everybody understands that we cannot despair, we have to take things one day at the time. We have plenty of fuel to burn and we have plenty of water because of the snow. 

My stomach grumbles for the hundredth time. What Beatrice forgot to mention with her little war story was that soup may keep you alive and give you nutrients but it is far from filling; after an hour you are hungry again. 

“What are you doing young man?”

“Hi Gertrude, nothing, just sitting in the sun.”

“How is your shoulder?”

“Better I guess. Sometimes it hurts, sometime doesn’t. Francis thinks that nothing is broken. So it’s a plus.”

“What are they doing?” She points at a group of people moving things around in a long pile.

“They are making signals for aircrafts to see from the air. Over there,” I point to an area where a big V should be visible if you fly over it, “they have made already a big V.  The pilot says that means that we need help.”

“That goes without say.”

“Are you being sarcastic?”

“Not at all.”

“Well, it was the easiest thing to do. Now they are actually writing S O S.”

“I can understand that.”

“Hey kid, how are you?” The pilot joins us.

“Would you all please stop calling me kid. I am 36 years old. That is an adult by any standards you wish to use.”

They both smile at me.

“When you will reach our age, you will call a lot of people kids as well.” Gertrude says with a wink.

“Maybe.” I have to admit with a smile. 

“Marco,” The pilot adds with a more serious tone. “I never had the chance to thank you for all you did.”

“Thank me? For what?”

“You have been a real blessing. I am not sure what would have happened to us if you were not there.”

“Yes a real hero.” Adds Gertrude profoundly.

“You are joking me.”

“No I am not,” says the pilot, “when things were at a low and I had to tell that we had no more food you single handedly raised the spirit again. You had the idea of the snow shoes, got the first pair and found extra food under the seat.”

“Thank you, but let’s face it. When you mentioned no more food I only spoke up because the guy was really pissing me off with his attitude. I was really being a drama B... And as far as the snow shoes and food is concerned I was just pissed and needed something to do.  I wasn’t even that good at it since I almost broke an arm in the process. Now everyone seems to be doing something useful, and I can only sit on the wing looking at them because of my sling. I am not sure a Hero would end like this.” I had to stress the hero word.

They both laugh.

“That is for sure.” Says the captain, “ask any hero in any comic book and he would probably agree with you. Ask any hero in real life and he would probably remove is hat and tell you that you have been the bravest man alive and actually quite lucky as well.”

I look at Gertrude who just smiles and approves with her head. Once again I smile with them.

“Now,” she adds, “let’s just hope they find us soon. Soup is just not quite filling.”

We all laugh.

“They will!” I say seriously.

“Aren’t you the optimistic one?” Gertrude says amused.

“I know John is around. Don’t ask me how. He promised me he is coming, we will just have to sit tight a little longer.”

“Amen!” Says Gertrude

“Amen.” Replies the captain more subdued, almost like a wish too great to speak out loud and needs to be whispered.


Here is one more chapter, even if a small one.  I think on the plane they needed a break. It cannot be always doom. Is it the calm before the storm hits? I am not sure. I have a general idea of what I want but I work the details as I go along.

Hope you enjoy it so far...

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