A public figure

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December 19, 18:00  (6:00 pm)

Demoralized and tired are the only way I can describe how I feel as I drive into the hotel entrance. As I get into the parking lot I notice a bunch of people sitting around. As I park I notice that they seem to be media people, reporters, TV crews, and so on. They seem to be waiting for something or someone, I can almost feel the excitement in the air from the way they seem alert, some even pointing in my direction.

Could it be that they found the aircraft? Why would they be here though?

I get out of the car, and start walking toward the hotel entrance.  That is when I hear.

“Itès him. Start rolling.”

And then pandemonium.

“Mr. Walter. what did you find out?”

“Mr. Walter is it true you have been searching for the downed aircraft yourself?”

“Mr. Walter did the airline refuse to give you information about your lover because you are gay?”

“Mr. Walter do you really think you have a chance to find them instead of the search and rescue?

All I can do is keep on repeating no comments as I push my way trough the mass until I get into the hotel lobby. 

In the lobby is a new wave of journalists that assaults me, even if it is smaller then the one outside it is overwhelming. I repeat the same strategy, keep on saying no comments until I get to the elevator and up to my room. I close the door and am able to breath finally. What the heck happened?

I take the phone and dial the reception.

“Yes, Mr. Walter?”

“How do you know it’s me.” I say with some apprehension, is everyone after me?

“I see it on the phone display." Breath, everything is fine. "What may I do for you this evening?” 

“There are a lot of journalists outside, can you please kick them away?”

“Unfortunately, we can’t. As long as they don’t try to break in the hotel or cause damage we cannot send them away.”

“What about the ones in the lobby, can you send them out?”

“No since they are actually guests of this hotel.”

“This means that I am stuck in my room.”

“If you need to go about I can ask security to escort you. That way they can keep the reporters at bay.”

“No, that will not be necessary for the time being.”

I hang up just as I realize that I have been impolite for no reason to the receptionist. What to do? First I have to find out what is going on. I turn on the computer and type Walter John airplane crash in the search engine; it must have something to do with that. 

After a second the result gives me a page full of articles about me. I click on the first one.

The article is all about how I am tired of the inefficiency of the search and rescue crews and I decide to take things into my own hands. It actually gives details about me and Marco. How we moved to Italy after I sold everything in the states?  Wait a minute I’m Canadian, I am not even American. About how we were discriminated in Italy and finally by the airline company. How I am using my life saving since the Search and Rescue are inapt in doing heir job. I never said that! There is even a picture of me enraged with a butter knife in my hand. Who would tell such things?  I end up looking at the picture again and I remember with in a Flash. Markus! The bastard!

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