Finally meeting

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Hello all, here is one more chapter. This one is going to be rock and roll. I had it written, but on second thought I changed it. Sorry for changing the Point Of View (POV) so much, but I think it gives the story more edge. Just see it as a movie where you have different camera angles. To help you along every time I put 5 number signs (#####) I changed the POV. In the first few lines I make it clear on who's POV I am using. Good Luck!

Keeping with my habit I would like to dedicate this chapter to another prolific writer Nicole (conleyswifey). I am reading Breaking Boundaries, what can I say...Gotta love those cowboys. 

Ok enough let the story continue...


December 24, 7:30  

“Is that all, John?” The helicopter pilot asks me.

“Yes,” I answer, “we just have to pass by the office to charge the day’s rental and we can go.”

“Yeah, we have to fix the bill”

“What do you mean by, we have to fix the bill? You have been charging me a flat rate every day.”

“Yes, that is the problem.” Peter places his hand on his short cropped hair, “yesterday morning I charged for a full day. But we only flew for a few hours. When I got back I could either leave the bill unchanged or annul the hole thing. So I annulled it.”

“OK, so if I understand correctly I owe you for yesterday a few hours and today.”

“Yes, but I am not sure how much we will fly today. So I have a better solution. We wait for the time we use the helicopter today and we do one bill for both days.”

“But I am not coming back today, I am rappelling down the crash site.”

“Of course, I forgot that little detail,” he sounds very unconvincing, somehow I doubt he forgot that little detail. He continues, “Then when you come back you can pay your bill for yesterday and today.”

“Why don’t we pay for yesterday, like this at least you will only be out for today.”

“That could work, but it is getting late and I don’t want to be stuck in the bad weather. When you come back we do it.” With those words he goes to the pilot seat.

Speechless I take the co-pilot seat while Markus sits in the back.

As Peter maneuvers in the predawn, the sun has not risen yet, I look at the back which I could not do properly before as Peter was pushing us to load the helicopter fast. Two of the three seats are removed giving easier access to the storage area from inside the helicopter. The four luggage pieces are neatly stacked in the space. Yesterday Peter has also made some sort of frame to attach the rappel cable and to help Markus and I lower the suitcases to the ground.

“Are you sure the contraption you made back there will support me while I rappel?” I ask since the frame looks like something made in a garage.

“Of course, it is very sturdy. It will hold two man of your size.” He simply answers not even looking at me.

Markus shakes the contraption as if to test its rigidity. Nothing seems to move. Then he asks from the back seat.

“Are you sure it is legal to make such a frame yourself?”

“Nothing of what I did yesterday back there is legal.” Peter states as if he just mentioned the sun is rising.

“How long will it takes to get to the crash zone?” Markus changes the subject.

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