Maya young

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Hi my name is maya as you might know by the title but anyway I am the sister of the one and only Brooke young. She has been pulled out of her acting career to do her studies. Apparently dad didn't want her to be one of those stupid actors that have no brains so me and her have to go to some special camp for famous kids because public schools are to public. I know stupid but I'm not complaining because who doesn't want to go to a school of famous people. Come on know lets be real. Anyway I am maya and I am a singer/model I was only 12 when my uncle made me preform on the X-factor. And I won WHOOOOO!! I know I'm amazing. I had my first modelling career when I was 14 at it just went from there I guess. Well that's my life.

Thanks love you's stays safe. Maya💖💖

A/N: Brooke from one tree hill. And plz pretend that all the celebrities are all teens.

Bye xxx Kiki💖💖💖🌵🌵

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