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"I love you so much do you know that"

Y/n POV.

Am I dreaming I must be dreaming someone hit me.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by a stinging Feeling on my cheek.

"you hit me!"

"You told me too... Or I think you told me too I didn't really see your lips moving but I herd you say it...ugh! Sorry I'm just really confused and then I said I love you and I know you don't love me back I mean who would I left you so you must of moved on and I'm a idiot and I-" I stopped her rabbling by putting my hand over her mouth she was adorable.

"I love you too I never stopped loving you but why are you saying this to me" I said with a confused look on my face why say this now and why did she punch bread. "Because I need you i can't not have you, you are mine and I don't want anyone to take you from me" she said and pecked my lips I felt sparks it was amazing if this is what her kisses felt like I want them all the time. STOP!! Stop thinking.

"Glad to know I take over your thoughts" she said with a smirk. With a roll of my eyes I pushed her back so we weren't so close, she growled a little and stepped closer. This took me by surprise so I just kept my mouth shut.

"I think we should go they are probably looking for us" I told her. And with that I left the her there just like that confused and lost like she did to me when she left.

Skip day to last period.


I was siting in my last class for the day when a voice rang through the speakers.

"Please may the Lopez's, Miller's, Normani, Dinah, maya, summer, Brad, Austin, ally, the Jauregui's, Cara, Kendall oh and my little bro Mike thanks"

the voice ended at that luckily enough all our classes were in the same corridor so we all met each other outside are classes. But it seamed like everyone was separated so I just started to make my way to Cara was walking with Kendall as usual. I finally got to them when a hand was placed into mine I looked up to see my best friend Camila I gave Her a smile witch she gladly shot back with a bigger one. I giggle at her before she spoke.

"Y/N I'm tiered" she whined at me. She then gave me the puppy dog face then it clicked I then Knew what she wanted I rolled my eyes before answering.

"Just jump on" I say and she does what she is told. We then start talking and I find out that she has never met maya so I thought I might introduce them later. I found out that this little feeling I get for Camila is just a crush so I will set her up with someone else. Absolutely not that Dorito kid Austin.

"Hey there she is now" I said as I pointed to maya.  I called her over and she came running.

"Hey what's up"

"Not much anyway this is The famous Camila cabello Lopez" she looked over to Camila and froze. Like completely froze.
"H-h-hi my n-n-name I-I-is m-m-m-maya I mean you probably already know that I mean why would you know I mean your really pretty I mean that probably sounded creepy and know I'm rabbling what I mean to say is. Hi" she let out a heavy sigh and smiled. She's starting scare me is she ok.
"Hi I'm Camila and your really pretty too" she said with a blush on her face as she looked to the floor finding it all so interesting all of a sudden. Wait is Camila nervous when is the Camila Lopez ever nervous. What is going on in this world. Anyway they just kept staring at each other not saying anything. They are starting to act like me and Lauren- OMG THEY LIKE EACH OTHER. My eyes widen at my new found secret and I decide my presence is no more welcome so I just say bye and walk away not that they even herd me all they keep doing is staring at each other. ANYWAY WERE IS LAUUUUUUUURRRREEEEN!!!!!!!

Lauren's POV.

I was just walking to the office were I was meant to be going to when a voice in my head starts screaming ANYWAY WERE IS LAUUUUUUUURRRREEEEN!!!!!! I hold my hands to my ears in hopes to make the voice more quite but it's too loud and I already know who it is but geez can't she keep it down god man I know she loves me but this much come on. I walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder she jumps a little bit calms down when she sees its me. "I know you love me but no need to shout love I'm right here" I give her my goofy smile but she just gives me a confused look. "What is my beauty confusing you"  "wow she wasn't this vain before God I think she loves herself more then I love food" I herd her think. Oh yeah that's another thing I can read her mind I don't know how it still freaks me out but it helps me sometimes. "I joking if anything your beauty is the one confusing me""ok how do you keep reading my mind it's not normal" she says on the verge of a freak out. "Trust me I don't know and I'm pretty shore if I spoke in my head you can hear it to" I say with my goofy smile.

"Yeah anyway do you know why we have to come to the office""no I thought you would know" sh then gives me this weird look. "What did you do know"

"You didn't do anything now come in and take a seat"

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