Talks that could change everything

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Camila's POV.

I was sitting in one of the chairs in the principles office with the famous Tyler posey legend. I would so be fangirling right now if I didn't just here what he said to us.
Apparently we are all supernatural and that we were all turned when we went into the woods for some activity. I don't really remember being in the woods I remember going in it but never being in it all I remember is going into the woods then POOF I'm in a bed. Well this is all insane I am not a werewolf or a vampire and I do not have a mate and I was not bites by too crazy monsters.

"This is bull crap" maya said. She is perfect I love her smile oh and her hair it's so long. She is amazing. She turns to me and gives me a warm smile witch I return we sit there for a while just smiling at each other until I am pulled out of my thoughts by a fake cough. Like god no one can cough this much just let me stare at the girl geez she's beautiful I can't help it god. I turn to the fake cough to find Tyler just staring at me.

"Ok everyone who doesn't believe me put your hands up" Tyler said looking sad that no one believes him. Everyone put there hand up.

"Fine let me show you" wow that didn't sound creepy at all (hint the sarcasm) how is the principal letting this all happen. So we all followed him outside and into the woods witch no one found weird. The principal actually came witch us so it can't be that bad. I still don't believe in all this shit if I'm being honest. Tyler and the principal then stopped and turned around to look at us.

"Ok so after this the vampires are going to go to your principal and the werewolves will come to me. Oh and the hybrids will walk to the middle so they can choose witch one of us to talk to first to explain everything to about are kind. Oh and for the others who aren't werewolves or vampires I will talk to you in a bit and find out what you are do not be afraid" he finished and I just rolled my eyes at the whole situation to me it's all a load of bull crap. Then all of a sudden a rush of cold air shoots passed us and surrounds Tyler then when it clears up he is a friking 6'8 black wolf. WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! HES A FUCKING WOLF WHAT THE GELL AM I DREAMING!!!!!!!!

"Believe me now" he spoke to us. WHAT HE CAN SPEAK!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to faint I need help. The same cold air comes back and surrounds him again as he changes back into a human. I look around and everyone looks as shocked as me. Y/N is the first person to speak up.

"Ok that was amazing but excuse my French. But WHAT THE FUCK!!" She pauses but then continues."oh and what the hell does the principal have to do with any of this" she asked very confused. I think the feeling I have towards y/n is just a crush to be honest I kinda really really like maya she's so perfect. Anyway back to reality.

"Oh he is a vampire and will change once he changes you will know if you are a vampire because your eyes will change colour almost instantly" he says like all this is normal.

"So how do you know if your a mutt" bread said I mean Brad sorry. #sorrynotsorry.

"We are not mutts and I can tell that your a vampire by the pale skin and the no upper lip maybe you should think before you speak because if it was another werewolf you will be looking for more then your lip" Tyler finished with a smile. I on the other hand burst out laughing witch caused no upper lip to give me a glare. I saw maya smiling at me witch I returned and saw everyone trying to stiff a laugh even the principal. Then all of a sudden the principals eyes turn blood red and fangs come out of his gums. Then all of a sudden Normani, Austin, Brad, Brodie and Bea's all turned a lighter shade of red it was creep. I am so creeped out right now but they all just go to the principal. Also known as Channing fucking Tatum. I put my hand up cause I had a question.

"So how do you know if your a werewolf?" I asked cause I would rather be a 6'8 wolf then a blood suck to be completely honest.

"Oh easy will change my eye colour and whoever's eyes change at that time is a wolf cool huh?" I nod my head really fast in agreement.

"So get on with it boy" he done as I said and changed his eyes eye colour.
When he done that are eyes all changed but to different colours it was so cool. Santana's turned a dark yellow. Maya's turned a dark ocean blue. Dinah's turned a beautiful brown. That Lauren girls turned a cool emerald shiny green I know I don't like her but her eyes are so cool. Baileys turned golden it was so cool. Vinny's were amazing they turned a kinda crystal yellow they were amazing.

On the other hand mine turned half red half light fire colour still looks cool. Summers turned half red half blue they were like turquoise so Cool Brittany's eyes turned half red half ice colour. Amazing but Y/Ns had to be one of the best she had peridot green mixed with ocean blue and a crystal red all mixed together to make such beautiful eyes. But why are are eyes different to there's aren't we all wolfs. And how come Cara, Kendal, ally, Tony and Mike didn't change into anything. This is all to much.

"Ok so summer, Camila, y/n and Brittany the reason why you guys have red in your eyes is because you guys are hybrids between vamps and wolfs so that answers that question. Umm...... Mike,Tony,Ally,Cara and Kendall the reason why you guys have not changed is because you guys are not vamps or wolves so I need to find out what you guys are. So for now can you guys go back to your dorms and try and remember anything from the night before like when to disappeared. Oh Mike and Ally I think you two are witches and every pack and coven as the vamps call them selfs need a witch so choose who goes with who. You guys come with me" he says pointing at the wolf. Principal Channing does the same to the vamps.


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