First day.

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Camila's POV.

"Ok so welcome to camp star. Don't worry this is the easy part so listen up for your name when you hear it walk up to the front so I can put you into your dorm groups tell you what building you will be in and give you your schedule." the teacher in the front ok the hall said. I think her name is ms Harris or something but right know I don't care I mean I'm excited to be here and all but all I can concentrate on is the girl in front of me. She is so beautiful, I know I haven't seen her face yet but I bet she's gorgeous. So I kinda zoned out for a while until my name was called out. " Camila Lopez" I herd a few 'oohs' and 'awes' which confused me but I just got up and went to the front. I took my schedule out of Ms Harris hand and she told me where I will be staying and told me to walk to one end of a hall with the others who I will be sharing with. "Thanks" was all I said before walking to the others. When I got there I was taken by surprise by a body colliding with mine in a breath taking hug. No I mean literally breath taking. "Can't breathe" I said out of breath. "Sorry" the girl said with a very familiar voice I couldn't quite pin point. When the girl detached herself from me she looked into my eyes and I couldn't believe who it was. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out I just froze.

"Y/N" I said in the verge of crying.

"Camila" she said in the same condition as me.

A/N: aww reunion that's so cute I want to go to this camp. 😩😩😩😍😍💖🌵🌵

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