UN packing.

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So me, Camila and the rest of our roommates were "un packing" and all I could think about was Camila. How her hair grew so much from last time I saw her and how she had such warm brown eyes oh and her style she is really my type but I think I herd somewhere that she has a boyfriend so I think I will stay away from that equation for a while.


"Yes babe" I turn around and stop what I'm doing so I can look at my beautiful roommates. Camila jumps down from her top bunk to stand in front of me witch causes me to smile. "Can we go eat I'm hungry and I want to go exploring?" she said in the most  cutest baby voice I have ever herd.

"Sure why not Cara? Kendall? Do you want to come" I said to my other two roommates.

"I'm down" Kendall said getting excited.

"Cool I'm down too" Cara said in a mellow tone. She really chill.

"Leggo" I said and we left the small room. We walked for about half an hour until we found the canteen. Camila had gotten lazy and decided to jump on my back. So fun. (Sarcasm) I mean she isn't heavy or anything but I'm lazy to girl.

Celebrities camp gone wrong.  You/camrenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora