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Camila's POV.

I am currently walking to my dorm trying to take in all the information I had just been told. Apparently we all change into our wolf form when we are able to control are wolf witch makes no frikin sense so I just walked into my room not expecting to see what I was seeing right now. Y/n was basically on top of green eyes and her hands her playing with green eyes hair as Lauren I think her name is had her arms wrapped around Y/Ns waist.'ugh' WHAT IS SHE DOING I KNOW I DONT LIKE HER LIKE THAT BUT SHE IS STILL MY BEST FRIEND AND I DONT LIKE THAT LAUREN CHICK SO WHY CANT SHE JUST LEAVE US ALONE GGGGGGOOOOOODDDDDD!!!!!!!!!! AND THEY ARE IN MY BED!!!!!!! I was beyond angry right now I just walked to the bed and yanked Lauren from the bed so she fell on the floor. Ha she really didn't think I am going to let her be in MY bed with MY best friend she must be joking.

"What the hell is your problem?!?!" She screamed at me who The fuck does she think she is oh I just want to beat the shit out of her right now and I don't care if y/n is in the room.

"Right now you are" I said with anger boiling in me and a smirk on my face. Just one punch just one punch. I kept telling myself trying so hard not to punch her. She looked like she was about to answer until y/n stood in front of her and cupped her cheeks before she whispered  something to calm down which Lauren done quite quickly witch only made me more mad, why is she even talking to this girl shes a bitch. I needed to calm down and calm down quick before I done something that I would regret. I think Y/N could sense it cause when Lauren was all calm she turned to me and took my hands in hers to try and calm me witch it did really quickly I could see Lauren glaring at me from the corner of my eyes I just flipped her of and tried to steady my breathes. Witch she helped me do. Thank god for that I thought I would have to beat the shit out of that little bitch in the corner.

"Ok so now that you are calm why did you attack her?" She pointed to Lauren. I just stared at her with a straight face before saying.

"Because she is a bitch that needs to be put in the pound and never talk to you again" i said with all seriousness. She looked a bit mad why is she mad did I cross a line.

"Don't call her a bitch. And I can talk to whoever I want and you can't stop me" why is she Acting so protective God.

"Well she is a bitch, She's a dog and a female I think so that makes her a B-I-T-C-H so to be honest I'm just being truthful" I said with a smirk I saw her get angry so I just shut up after that. Then before I could open my mouth to speak she pinned me against the wall. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS CHICK CHILLLLLL!!!!!!!

"Stop talking!!" She yelled at me witch only confused me more because I didn't say anything.

"I haven't said shit yet" I said as are faces were really close. I can feel her breathe on my lips witch only made her more intimidating.

"I know that but I herd you say it well not really I herd your voice but your lips didn't move so now I'm more confused then before" she said with that adorable confused face of hers.

"You can read her mind like I can to you you can to her" Lauren said with confusion,hurt and worry laced in her face this girl must be the most irritating person I have ever met this is why I want to punch her why can't she just shut up!!!!!! God she's hurting my brain what the hell is she talking about reading minds yeah right if she could read my mind then she would hear me think this. "WHY IS THIS CRAZY BITCH IN MY BED WITH YOU!!!!?!?!!!!!!?!!!?" I thought not really scared of thinking that Lauren is a bitch because Y/N can't hear me.

"What did I say about calling her a bitch?!" She said through gritting her teeth. OH MY SHE HERD ME.

"Omg omg you can hear me that's so cool can I hear you?" I asked excitedly because come on man it's not everyday you get to read your best friends mind. She smiled at me and nodded."well let's see can you hear me now?" She thought  "I think Lauren's my mate so back of and stop trying to rip her throat out please" she smiles at me I nod and she puts me down.

A/N: this is a kinda snippet I am thinking of carrying this on but I don't know if people like it so vote and comment pleasssseeee!!!!😀😀😀😀😀😀

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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