Chapter 1

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Eddward POV

"What do you mean I'm failing? I still get the work done!"

Kevin's outburst rings out through the empty school hallways. Well, not exactly empty if I'm still passing through. "Please, sir!" Kevin pleads. I shouldn't be eaves dropping, it's too rude; but I can't help it and I'm already drawn in.

I edge closer to the door, careful not to be seen or heard, and listen in to the conversation.

"I know, Kevin, but the marks on your tests aren't high enough for you to pass. You get the work done but you don't learn anything from it, I know you write it down to get me off your back but it wouldn't hurt to try and learn from it, these are useful things for tests and such."

It's true, biology and math aren't his strongest subjects, as he is a jock and not what some are called "a nerd", so he would be more focused on his team and baseball.

"Kevin, maybe you should try a tutor?"

"But I can't afford one, and if I can't learn in class what makes you think a tutor would help?" Kevin snaps. I know he's been dealing with bad situations at his house. I often heard voices being raised and obscene language, of course that was over a year ago but he should be doing just fine by now, wouldn't he?

Sometimes I'd be washing the dishes and l would look out the window and see Kevin fixing his motorcycle, on some days he'd be washing it too. His vibrant, orange hair slicked back, getting water on himself...taking his top off-

Eddward you will not have these fantasies in or on school property!

Especially someone you have 1 in 0 chances with...

Perhaps I should be heading back home now, I don't want my mother and father to worry.

Trying my possible best to sneak past unnoticed, I'm stopped in my tracks, "Ah, Eddward! May I ask you something?" I hope it's not what I think it is...

"Of course, sir. H-How may I be of assistance?" Putting on a nervous yet awkward smile, I can feel Kevin's eyes burning into the side of my head.

"Mr. Barr is falling behind in some of his classes and you just happened to be passing by, so, would you mind tutoring him? Just 'til he gets back on his feet." Sometimes I wish I didn't have to be so darn nice.

"Uh, c-certainly, Mr. Douglas. Shall we start tomorrow?" Oh dear, me and my big mouth.

"Wonderful! Well, off you go, I know how badly you want to get home." Kevin scoffs and sir glares his way. He shoos us out and I walk as fast as I can, to my dismay Kevin catches up. Closing in on me, my back hits the locker and his hand slams down next to my head, very, very close.

"So, dork, you really gonna help me with this stuff?" He asks, a small smile growing on his freckled face. I gulp, gosh his eyes are beautiful, my favorite color of green too.

"Y-yes, Kevin. I am a m-man of my word." I straighten up, resulting in him stepping back. He takes one last good look at me,

"Good." He says simply, an irritating smirk on his beautiful face. Kevin walks off, stuffing his hands into his jeans pockets. I loosen the collar on my shirt and flatten out my clothing before heading off myself.


The walk itself was lonely, but I found admiration in the clear blue sky above me. The birds singing everywhere, the flowers blooming, the trees looking ever so green,

Just like his eyes...

I blush and notice I'm right around the corner from my home. Mother's car is still parked in the driveway, Father's must be in the garage, he likes to keep it in there and drive to work with ma.

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