Forgive and Forget

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*Fiona's POV*
The guys are all nervous. "Don't say anything OK? Just listen." Mark looks at me with serious eyes.

"This is a bit hard to explain. We are the reason that you've been like this all these years. I'll start with 3 years ago. We were in Houston and we were also out of it. Something strange happened when we got there. We could feel something wrong with our bodies. That's when we were confronted by out manager.

He wasn't himself, he was controlled by someone. That does matter, what does is what he said next. He told us to not come into contact with anyone. We asked why and it was because of our emotions.... This is really hard to explain. When we come in contact with a specific person; they would connect to our emotions. The reason you had no emotions was because of us, we took them.

We came in contact with you that day. You bonded with us and we shared emotions. The problem is that if we separated from you we lose our emotions. To save ourselfs we took something from you away. Your necklace. It contained our emotions and without it we would be lost.

We didn't know you would lose yours in the process. When we did, we did nothing about it. It took us a year to get to you and try to figure it out. That's when you and Yugyeom started dating. We made something, a bracelet. It had all of our emotions in it. Yugyeom would wear it so when you were around him the most you wouldn't just feel fear.

You see we all contain a different emotion and when that's taken away from us all of our other emotions disappear as well. When you hang around a person more then the others you start to feel their center emotion. That's why we created that bracelet.

You also might have notice that when we were in town you got your center emotion back, surprise. Although since we had your emotions with us you only got that back." I can't believe what I'm hearing. This isn't possible, they're messing with me. No just no...

*3 years ago*
I was staring down at my phone. That's when I tripped and fell on some guys. That's when I passed out. When I open my eyes my necklace was gone, the boys were gone, and there was a gift card on the ground. It's to Kim Yugyeom.

I can't... I can't.... "I know it must be hard to-" "It's not hard! It's crazy! I can't you guys would do that!" I'm outraged. I go up to my room to get my stuff. I just need to take a walk. I go out of the dorm as quickly as I can in hopes to clear my mind. This is impossible to believe. It's true though. Their the reasons that I was like that. I want to cry a bit.

I go inside my work place and order something. When my friends want to talk I wave them good bye. I really don't want to talk right now.

"Hey sis!" Who- "oh! Hey bro, the boys said that you came to visit me so I'm not that surprised." "That's weird considerimg your center emotion." "Yeah, wait, what?" "I know it's weird that I know too. Just roll with it." "OK well 'Mr.Roll with it' what should I do now?"

"Forgive. Now I have to go and tell mom your back to normal and you can see us all again." "Gotcha! See ya kiddo!" He left... I guess i have to choose to forgive them.

I walk my way back to the dorm when I feel someone following me. I stop at a street cross and look around. There's no one there. I go back ready to walk when I hear someone behind me. "Forgive and forget." What? I feel a push on my back.

The next thing I know I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and my head. I see bright lights and that's it. I start to close my eyes. Feeling so much pain. I soon black out.

*Youngjae's POV*
We're at the hospital after getting a call from the other doctor says Fiona has been hit by a car! We all crowd around the doctors as he steps out of the emergency room. "Is she OK?"

"She's fine. The car was going slower then expected so she doesn't have any broken bones, but she did hit her head so she has a bit of a concussion. Other then that she's perfectly fine. We did have to stitch up a cut on her stomach though just to make sure of any bleeding because she did get hurt there."

Thank goodness she's OK. "You may see her now?" We follow the doctor to her room where she is already awake talking to the nurse. Yugyeom goes up to hug her. She looks so surprise. I guess that's to be expected.

We all greet her and thank that she's OK. "Are you OK Fiona you look confused." "Yeah, a bit, why did I just get hugged by you guys. Who are you guys anyways?" What? Is this a joke? The doctor goes up to her and ask her questions. "What is your name?" "Fiona and why aren't you all speaking English?" "What city are you in?" "Houston." "Can I speak with you boys outside?" We follow the doctor outside.

What's going on? "It seems as though she has amnesia." No! Yugyeom broke down then and there. "I'm sorry" he said that and left. What now?

We final told her and... "Guys. It's time to give her life back." Yugyeom stood up off the ground. We all knew what we had to do. We told ourslef that we would give her back everything once we told her. We never thought it would be like this. We enter her room again. "So you might not remember, but we're friends of yours and we brought you a present."

Jaebum took out her necklace from back then. He always keep it to remember what we did. "Here it's yours." He hands it to her. "Wow it's pretty! Thank you...JB, no! Jaebum, right?" "Y-yeah."

"Sweetheart!" We hear a female voice behind us. "Mom!" She runs up and hugs her daughter. We see her brother at the door and he winks. Her sibling come inside too. That's our turn to leave. We leave and head back to the dorm. "Yugyeom?" "Yeah youngjae hyung?" "You did good." "Than why don't I feel good?" "It's natural now. In a day or two we won't feel anything at all."

†The end†
†This time it's true I'm not kidding†

Thank you for reading and I will be doing a epilogue so don't worry.

See you there!

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