2: Stolen Kisses

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My alarm bleeped at eight the next morning, signaling that I should probably get up and get ready for my 'hang out plan'. I don't really know what to call it, so we'll stick with that. 

I slowly trudged to the bathroom, trying not to disturb my roommate, Jess. I managed to both turn on the water and get undressed without actually opening my eyes. However, getting into the shower with my droopy lids proved a bad idea as I immediately tripped over the seal. I let out a low curse as I managed to get carefully into the hot shower.

Cradling my stubbed toe as best I could, I shut the curtain and tried to fight away the pain that was currently coursing through my abused pinkie toe. I was finally able to put my foot down and continue on to my shower, quickly washing my hair and body.

Once done I wrapped a towel around me and blow dried my hair until it fell into my natural waves. When I exited the bathroom, I almost jumped and dropped my towel when I saw Jess up and about.

"Hey roomie,"she said over her shoulder, throwing a couple of books into her school bag.

"Hey Jess. Where are you headed?"I called, slipping underwear and a bra on under my towel before she could turn around and dropped my towel to the ground.

She sighed and pulled a backpack strap over her shoulder,"Just my stupid Calculus class that has to start at freaking 9:30 in the morning. Why are you up so early? I thought that your first class wasn't until noon."

"It's not. I have a...umm...I have plans with a coworker,"my cheeks turned a light pink, giving me away.

"Aww! What's his name? Are you dating? Have you kissed? Huh! Have you...done it?"she rushed out, looking as if she was about to explode with questions.

Now the blush was spreading all over my face and down my neck,"His name is Henry. And no to the rest you weirdo!"

She gave a hearty laugh,"Whatever. Have a good date. I'm off to being bored out of my mind."

And before I could reply, she was already out of the door. That fact, however, did not stop me from rolling my eyes in the direction of the closed door. It was then that I realized I was still standing in the middle of the dorm room with only my undergarments on. I rushed over to my closet and pulled on a sheer red sleeveless shirt with white pants and my red TOMS. Then, I grabbed my plain grey bag before rushing out the door.

Glancing down at my phone, I yelped and fastened my pace even more. It was 9:10 and I was supposed to meet Henry at 9. I was definitely running late. As I threw the door at the end of the stairs open, a blast of fall air hit me, making my auburn hair rush behind me.

I closed the door and looked up, finding Henry leaned up against his car. Hearing the door slam closed, his head jerked up and a smile lit up his face. 

"Hey Henry. Sorry for keeping you waiting,"I returned his smile.

"It's fine. Are you ready to head out?"he jerked his thumb behind him towards his car.

I just nodded in response and followed him around the car. I gave a big smile and thanked him when he opened the door for me and closed it once I was safely inside.

"I didn't know you were such a gentleman,"I teased after he had gotten in and started up the car.

This made his cheeks turn a pale pink,"Well, what can I say? My mom raised me right, I guess."

I couldn't help but to giggle at his sheepish smile. The rest of the ride to wherever it was we were going was silent. The only noise coming from the rock station that I had turned it to. After ten minutes of boring songs, the radio starting playing one of my favorites and I couldn't help but to sing along.

Stolen Kisses (NaNoWriMo 2013)Where stories live. Discover now