8: Stolen Kisses

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I tossed and turned in bed later that night, wondering what exactly the challenge was that I had gotten myself into. Hopefully Roy wouldn’t take this too seriously, though he had looked determined earlier in the day. I would hate for something as silly as this to ruin our new and possible fragile friendship.

I had a feeling that people wouldn’t necessarily like the fact that the most well-known guy at our school had befriended a nobody like me. Though, I’m sure rumors are already flying about how we had been seen around campus together. As long as there wasn’t something too ugly, I was okay with it. But God only knows how bad they could become.

Plus the fact that I still didn’t know the truth about the whole Juvie thing. I mean, I really like to think that Roy is a good guy and all but some people are very good at hiding who they really are. Until I hear the truth come out of Roy’s lips, I couldn’t be completely sure. However, I wasn’t ready to put our friendship on the line for that information just yet. Not when we were actually getting to know each other.

When sleep finally came, it was blissful and I managed to get enough of it to get me through the Monday that hit me straight in the face the moment my alarm started blaring the next morning. It rang sharp and clear through the apparently empty dorm.

The whole day passed by in a blur and I found myself wishing to see Roy in the halls or when I passed what he claimed to be ‘our special tree’. My nerves were shot by the time I made it back to my dorm that afternoon and barely managed to change into my work uniform and drive there.

My work environment just made everything worse. Not only did my heart speed up everytime the bell above the door twinkled, but there was a group of cheerleaders and slut sitting at a booth, sending me glares my whole shift. Yes, they actually sat there for a while and even requested for me to bring them their drinks in stead of getting their slutty asses up to get them themselves. I swear, sometimes college could seem a hell of a lot like high school.

“Here are your drinks,”I gave a polite smile and set down a few drinks, but stopped when one of them started to speak to me.

“Who do you think you are hanging out with Roy?”one of the cheerleaders sneered, pretty sure that her name was Vanessa.

I barely bit back my snide remark,”I think that I’m an American citizen and have the right to spend my time with whom ever I wish.”

Okay, well maybe that was a snide remark, but trust me when I say that I had some way worse things floating around in my head.

“Oh, you think you’re so smart, don’t you?”A red-head smirked, one of her perfectly done eyebrows raised,”Well, just know that as soon as Roy gets what he wants from you, he’ll leave you in the dust. And we all know that Roy only wants one thing when it comes to girls.”

I refrained from dumping the boiling hot coffee in my hand all over her and her platinum blonde friends, but apparently she had different ideas.

She stood up, slamming against me to where the two remaining drinks in my hand spilled all down my top, while she managed to stay perfectly pristine in her jean mini skirt and tight tank top.

“You bitch!”I hissed, standing up and preparing to give her a piece of my mind.

That was about the time that the manager, my boss, showed up. Telling us to behave ourselves and leading me to the back room. He was exceptionally nice and gave me the rest of the afternoon off. I gladly excepted and stripped out of my apron before hastily leaving the building, though not before sending one more nasty glare in the girls’ direction.

The drive home was soothing, getting rid of most of my anger. Jess was there, but we didn’t really say anything to each other, despite the question about my stained shirt, which I was happy to blow off steam about. After ranting with her for a few minutes, I really did feel better and took a shower before changing clothes, remembering that I had a band practice in less than twenty minutes.

Stolen Kisses (NaNoWriMo 2013)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora