4: Stolen Kisses

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The whole ride back to my dorm, I couldn't focus. Why did Roy kiss me? And what was he even talking about? He thinks I'm hot? I let out a groan and let my head fall against the steering wheel, letting out a loud honk. Luckily, I was parked in the student parking lot and no one was around to witness my ultimate fail.

After giving myself a little pep talk, I finally opened the driver's door and got out of my car, my bag and guitar in hand. When I made it back up into my dorm, Jess was asleep and I managed to put all of my things away and get ready for bed without waking her.

After numerous attempts to fall asleep, my mind finally calmed down enough for me to fall into a restless sleep, questions still looming over me.

_ _ _ _ _

 When my alarm burst into continuous 'beeps' the next morning, I contemplated just laying in my bed forever. Just go back in time and look right at the guy who created Statistics and say 'Fuck it'. But, hey, I was kind of paying for these classes so in the end I decided it would be best to get up and get to class on time.

I hurriedly got ready, somehow ending up trying to brush my teeth and put my shirt on at the same time. After that little fiasco was finally settled, I put on a light coat of makeup and dashed out the door, my phone reminding me that I only had five minutes until the lecture starts.

My bag seemed to weigh me down as I hurried through the sidewalks that were already teeming with life. By some miracle or work of God, I stepped right through the door at eight, just barely making it.

The professor, whom I actually really liked despite the subject she taught, motioned for me to hurry to a seat. Once I made it near my usual spot, I just collapsed into a random seat and tried to catch my breath. I about jumped out of my seat when I heard a deep voice speak.

"Cutting it close. Aren't we, princess?"

I spun around in the seat, almost getting whiplash in the process, to find a smirking Roy sitting behind me. Which, I found quite strange since I couldn't remember him being in this class with me.

"Have you always been in this class?"I whisper asked him, trying not to disrupt the professor but wanting to know the answer.

He nodded and gave me a weird look,"Yeah."

"Are you lying? 'Cause I've never noticed you before,"my brow furrowed in thought, trying to figure out how I could have missed this detail.

An expression crossed his face that looked suspiciously like hurt, but then it was gone and he said,"Well obviously you aren't very observant and most likely blind. Since, you know, it's really hard not to notice someone as hot as me.

I just rolled my eyes at his comment, not wanting to say something that may affect his ego further. Throughout the rest of the class, I tried my best to pay attention to what the professor was saying, but Roy throwing things at the back of my head the whole time made it kind of difficult.

When she finally dismissed us, I picked up my things and turned around to glare at him,"Do you try to be annoying, or does it just come naturally?"

"Naturally, mostly. Ya know, maybe I was born with it or maybe it's Maybelline,"his smirk never left, and even though I wanted to keep the glare on my face, his piercing blue eyes made it very difficult to do so. I swear, it's like it is his mission to drive me insane. I'm at the point where I either want to rip of his head or his clothes.

At this point I decided that the best decision would be to turn around and walk away, so I did. He didn't follow me or try to grab my arm like the night before, which I was thankful for. I didn't need anymore weird and confusing things to come out of his mouth.

Stolen Kisses (NaNoWriMo 2013)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant