19: Stolen Kisses

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Three days flew by in a blur. I managed to escape all contact from Roy, at least in person. I had deleted him from my contacts, but he continued to text and call. I couldn't bring myself to block him, because after all that had happened and all of the times he had messed up, I still loved him. I'm pretty sure that I'll never stop.

At night, after Jess had fallen asleep, I would lay in my bed with earphones and listen to the messages that Roy would leave. I would read the texts, play the voice mails over and over again just so that I could hear his voice say my name, or nickname for that matter. And I would cry, because as much as I would like to stop crying over Roy, I couldn't.

In the classes that we had together, I would show up last minute and leave as soon as the class dismissed, not giving him a chance to catch me. Because if he did, then I would cave in. I would forgive him so that the cycle could start all over again and I could get my heart broken once more.

It was now Friday, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Roy staring at me from the other side of the room as my professor droned on and on about charts and percentages. Five minutes later, all I had was a few doodles and highlighted notes. Oh, and burn marks on the side of my head from Roy's non stop gaze. Mrs. Jacobs released us and I dashed up, already hearing my voice being called over the roar of exiting students.

"Princess?! Please wait!"

But I didn't, of course, just like I hadn't all week. I made a mad dash to my car and drove as fast as I could back to my dorm where I jogged up the steps and quickly went through my door, locking it behind me.

My phone buzzed in my hand as I threw my bag to the ground and sprawled on my matress. Figuring it was Roy, I unlocked my phone and was surprised to find Jace's name at the top of the screen.

Gig tonight. Same place as last time. 9:00

I didn't hesitate before responding.

I'll be there.

Maybe it wasn't the best move. Maybe I wasn't ready to face one of my multitude of problems. But I did know that music was my dream and I'm not going to let drama get in the way of it. So with that thought running through my mind, I hurried to my closet and began picking out an outfit.


My car pulled up outside the club, music pounding through the place. I quickly got out, knowing that I was already five minutes late for sound check.

I was wearing a tight leather skirt, unzipped combat boots, and a tucked in sequin tank top, causing some of the already drunk men to wolf whistle and holler once the bouncer let me through.

My guitar case thumping against my leg, I rushed into the back room where I knew the other two parts of my band already were.

"God,"is the first thing I hear when I enter the room,"Can you ever do anything right? I mean, you can't even show up on time for a sound check."

And cue snotty, revenge-driven, and probably ex-friend. I used to sympathize with Paige, I really did. She was a great friend most of the time, and her life hadn't been all that easy. Her mom was a drunk and her dad had died when she was only twelve. And, you guessed it, she was my friend who Roy had broken.

"Paige,"I said her name in greeting, choosing not to get caught up in the drama,"Hey, Jace. Thanks for the text. Mind running through the set list for me?"

He nodded numbly, and just rambled off fifteen songs. I nodded along, and then, remembering one of my favorite songs from Roy's CD, added,"Can we also do that new song by We the Kings called Sad Song. Do ya'll know that one?"

Stolen Kisses (NaNoWriMo 2013)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon