15: Stolen Kisses

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The next morning, I slowly dressed for the day ahead, my body sore from sleeping in what I guessed was a very uncomfortable position. My eyes also looked puffy from the tears that I had most likely shed in my sleep. Great. I looked like a complete train wreck when I need to be proving to Roy that I can live my life without him. What a great start, Dani.

I gave a long sigh before grabbing a blueberry muffin and eating it while packing my backpack with everything that I would need for classes today. It was only eight, but since Vocals starts at nine I knew that Brandon was most likely already downstairs waiting for me. So, I swallowed my last bite of muffin and hurried down into the parking lot. Just as I thought, Brandon's car stood idly by the sidewalk, the boy himself drumming on the steering wheel to a song I couldn't hear.

I rolled my eyes and giggled before pulling the door open and hoping inside. My eyes lit up when I heard the song that he was drumming to. Then, I decided that since he was drumming the least I could do was sing backup for this one man band.

Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I'm dreaming
I can hear them say

Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more

Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man
Well, it surely means that I don't know

On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about, I'm like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for-

I cut off as I realized why the words seemed so familiar. I mean, sure I had heard the song plenty, but not lately. Yet the words screamed out at me as if I had heard them very recently. My breathing hitched when I realized from where. Those were some of the lyrics that Roy had qouted me when we were having our song confession slash arguement in the car at the movie theatre. Just another bad memory that I have with Roy.

I lifted my head up and realized that the song had been turned down and the drumming had stopped. And now Brandon was looking at me with concern clear in his eyes.

"Are you okay?"he asked, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

I just nodded."Yeah. I'm fine."

But we both knew that that was a lie. Lucky for me, Brandon decided to let it go.

"So..Starbucks?"he asked with a smile.

I nodded,"Yeah. Hopefully we don't run into anybody. I'm not the most liked person right now."

He just gave me a strange look before returning his eyes to the road. It wasn't long before we got to the Starbucks. When Brandon came around and tried to open my door for me, I quickly stopped him. Instead, I got out myself and gave him a stern look.

"We aren't dating anymore, Brandon. You don't need to open the door for me anymore. And when we get in here, I will pay for my own coffee. Okay?"

He gave me a smile,"Okay."

Then he walked forward and I quickly followed. He went through the door and I was just about to go in as well, when the door came back and hit me on my arm.

"Ow,"I whined, followed by a few choice words.

I looked up in confusion, but quickly narrowed my eyes when I spotted Brandon on the otherside of the door laughing his ass off. I swung the door open and strode up to him.

Stolen Kisses (NaNoWriMo 2013)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu