16: Stolen Kisses

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Roy drove me to Vocals in a comfortable silence. It seems that we both had accepted our fate as friends. He seemed ecstatic, while I was pretty much disappointed. When he had mentioned the 'F' word, my heart had dropped into my stomach and I'm suprised he didn't see the evident disappointment that I'm sure shone clear across my face.

The car pulled into the parking lot, breaking me out of my reverie and causing me to turn to look at Roy.

"Bye. Thanks for the ride,"I smiled, already reaching for the door to open it.

He just gave me a smirk,"You aren't getting rid of me that easy Princess."

Luckily, he didn't have time to see me blush as he hopped out and practically ran to the passenger side. My mouth almost fell open when he swung the door open and bent down slightly to look at me.

"Are you gonna get out, or what?"

I sat frozen for a few more seconds before I unclipped the seat belt and clumsily got out of the car, Roy's peircing gaze on me the entire time.

"What are we doing?"I asked in confusion, not even questioning him opening my door for me. It felt natural and, unlike when Brandon did it, I wasn't annoyed. In fact, I was extremely flattered.

He just rolled his gorgeous eyes at me,"I'm walking you to class silly."

I still stood dumbfounded in front of him,"Why?"

He let out a light laugh that released tingles up and down my spine,"Because that's what friends do. Now come on, you're going to be even later than you already are if we don't get a move on."

He had grabbed hold of my hand and was now dragging me across the sidewalk towards the entrance of the music building. I almost fell, but his hand holding mine kept me up and we kept moving.

Even once we were in the building and back to a somewhat normal pace, Roy still didn't unclasp his hand from mine, but you were definitely not hearing any complaints coming out of me. We walked the rest of the hall until we were standing in front of my classroom.

"How did you know this was the right room?"I questioned, not wanting to leave him just yet.

He gave me a smirk,"Took the class last semester."

Both my eyebrows raised,"Learn something new everyday."

"Okay, well you better get going,"Roy said, dropping my hand.

I held back a frown and instead forced a smile,"See you soon."

I swung open the door, causing my professor to catch a glimpse of Roy before lifting an eyebrow in my direction and continuing with his lecture. I just sighed and sat down, realizing that being Roy's friend was going to be harder than I originally thought.

_ _ _ _

I'm not quite sure what Roy's definition of 'friends' is, but I'm pretty sure that it is way different than my own. You see, it is not of my knowledge that friends go out and eat a fancy dinner together.

"Do you go out to dinner with all of your friends?"I had asked him when he brought up his idea.

His eyebrows had raised and he had looked around a bit before giving a tight laugh,"Uhh, yeah, I guess so."

I had just rolled my eyes and now here I was, trying not to freak out over what the hell to wear. It wasn't a date, but it was fancy. So, do I dress to impress or what? I was in the middle of my dilemma when Jess walked in, giving me a smile. Her arms carried multiple shopping bags, taking me by suprise.

"So, I got your text and I think I have a solution to your problem,"another creepy smile was sent my way.

"And what solution would that be?"I questioned, beginning to get worried.

Stolen Kisses (NaNoWriMo 2013)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin