12: Stolen Kisses

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I smiled at Brandon as I swiftly backed out of the parking space and started the trip back to my hometown. I was super excited, and not even the thought of my run in with Roy the day before could dampen my mood. I was finally going to be able to see my mom and brothers. I was going to be able to tell my big brother of my adventures.

Landon. I really had missed him. He was the big brother that some girls wish for, while others wish would die. I was one of the ones that loved him, even though he was annoying most of the time. He was the big brother that scared off all of the boys that showed interest in me, not that there were that many. He's the one that beat up that Kevin kid when he broke up with me over text. He was the big brother that would sit down, talk, and eat ice cream with me after a bad day. He was also the brother that took a video of me singing in the shower, very badly (on purpose), and threatened to put it on every social media web site known to man. He still holds that against me to this day.

"So, do you think they'll like me?"Brandon asked, suddenly seeming more nervous than excited as we neared closer to my childhood hom.

I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile,"Of course. Why wouldn't they?"

He just looked around and tapped his foot,"I don't know. Are brothers supposed to be over protective and stuff?"

I giggled and turned into the all too familiar subdivision,"Don't worry. I'll protect you from my big bad brothers."

He gave me a playful look and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear,"But seriously,"I said, my eyes not leaving the road,"They will absolutely love you. Promise."

"Pinky promise?"he asked with his best puppy dog face.

"Pinky promise,"I said, jutting my pinky up while keeping both of my hands on the wheel.

He hooked his pinky with mine and took a deep breath as I pulled into the driveway and parked next to the two cars. As we got out, I grabbed the triple chocolate cake that I had bought at Kroger the other day and smiled when I heard the familiar barks from the back of the yard.

"Hey boys,"I called back to the red and black mutts that I was proud to call my dogs.

They just barked in response and jumped around excitedly. I grinned and thanked Brandon as he grabbed both of our overnight bags out of the trunk. We trudged our way up the sidewalk and up the front stairs before the door swung open and we were greeted by my delighted mother.

"Oh, you must be Brandon!"she said, engulfing my boyfriend in a hug. He laughed in shock and dropped the bags so that he could wrap his arms awkwardly around her in return. She let go and looked down at the bags.

"Landon! Brady! Get you lazy butts down stairs and help!"she called and I heard the heavy footfalls almost immediately. Still afraid of my mother I see.

"Danisaur!"Landon shrieked, running up and picking me up in a bear hug. I laughed and squeezed him tightly back, taking in a deep breath of his familiar aftershave.

Then he let me go and gave Brandon a suspicious look before grabbing the bags and bringing them into the house. My mom took the cake from me with a hungry smile and left me to stand in front of my younger brother, Brady.

"Hey little brother,"I teased, even though he was just as tall as me, if not taller. I was pretty short at my mere five feet four inches.

"Hi Dani,"he smiled at me and squeezed me in a hug, suprising me. Brady usually wasn't one to show affection, especially in front of someone that he didn't know.

I pulled away to find that Brandon had disappeared.

"Where-"I started, but Brady cut me off.

He gave me a goofy grin,"Mom dragged him inside to taste test her famous mashed potatoes."

Stolen Kisses (NaNoWriMo 2013)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ