Chapter 6

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10 minutes later...

Ladybug and Chat Noir fell down on the street. They can't even fought the Lady Magician. She's too strong enough with her magic stuff. Her power was turning something into the things that related to magic. And almost the city of Paris became the land of magic, something like that.

Lady Magician: *evil laugh* Nobody can stop me *attacks*.

Meanwhile, Ladybug and Chat Noir found somewhere to hide from the akumatized person. It was Chloe's fault, 100%. Yesterday, the magician came to the hotel where Chloe lived. She was asked by the mayor to make a performance there. And Chloe, who doesn't believed in magic, has insulted the magician. She wanted revenge on Chloe.

"So... what's your next plan, LB." Chat Noir asked his lady.

"Leave it on to me." Ladybug tossed her yoyo up to the air. "Lucky Charm!" A medium sized red with black spots boomerang fell down to her hand.

"A boomerang? What I suppose to do with it?"

Chat Noir took out his baton from his back, "Well, take your time. I can handle this."

"Don't use your Cataclysm until I told you to use it, ok." Ladybug ordered.

"Vous pouvez me faire confiance, my lady."

As he left, Ladybug rolled her eyes. Chat Noir took Lady Magician's attention by attacked her by the back side. Meanwhile, Ladybug tries to figure out how to take Lady Magician's wand, where the akuma hide. She looked around her and got an idea. After she finished, she went to Chat.

Ladybug: Ok, you use Cataclysm on the lamppost. But don't to be hurry.

Chat Noir: Got it *goes to the lamppost*.

Lady Magician: Huh, you want to defeat me? No way! *tosses her wand through Ladybug*.

A black lightning went to her, but Ladybug protected herself by using her yoyo. After that, she threw away the boomerang and gave a signal to Chat.

Chat Noir: Cataclysm!

He cut off the lamppost as his lady told him. The lamppost hit Lady Magician and the boomerang took her wand. Ladybug got the wand and broke it. A little black akuma came out from the wand.

Ladybug: No more evil-doing for you, little akuma *swipes across her yoyo; swing her yoyo beside her*. Time to de-evilized *captures the akuma*. Gotcha! *release the butterfly* Bye-bye, little akuma. Miraculous Ladybug! *tosses up her boomerang*.

A red and white light bursted against the sky like the fireworks, resorting all the buildings, sign boards and other things on the street. The wand has been fixed, ready to use it again.

Ladybug and Chat Noir: Pound it *fist bump*

The girl: Awww... *rubs her head* Where am I?

Ladybug realized the magician already woke up. Ladybug took the girl's and gave it to her. She's like 18-20. She has a long brown hair and blue eyes.

Ladybug: Hey, it's belongs to you.

The girl: Yeah... that's mine *takes the wand*. By the way, thanks.

Chat Noir: Ok, time to go. Je t'aime, Ladybug *leaves*.

Ladybug shook her head, smiling. She looked Chat left her. He always like a that. After that, she left from there, to her family's bakery.


Chat Noir went in to a room. It's like a classroom. He de-transform into a normal boy Adrien. His kwami, Plagg, came out from his ring.

Plagg: Great job, Adrien. By the way, give me Camembert, please?

Adrien: Ok, Plagg. I'll grab it to you.

Adrien went to his place, grabbing his bag. And then, there's something on Marinette's table. Something like a small book. He took it up and checked it. His eyes were open wide, he can't believed what he saw.


Hey everyone. Tun, tun, tun. Adrien gets something private *troll face*. I know it's weird and you can feel dizzy after read. I'm still learning, ok. So, just relax. I'm not good enough for this. I'm feel dizzy too after somebody in my class were… fighting. Btw, stay salty…


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