Bizarre Cinderella

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  • Dedicated to anyone who believes in fairy tales.

Hey. My name is Cinderella Broderick.

Yes, similar as the fairytale princess.

Just call me Cindy, My life’s no fairytale. No matter how much my name and my hometown seem like they belong in one, I don’t.

I belong in a small peaceful town that is not noticeable in maps; Storybrooke.

My mother always compared me with Cinderella. But I always denied it. I just didn’t like the way she lived – Losing her parents, making her do all the chores, treating her like a slave…and stuff like that. But I didn’t know what was coming.

No one did.

I was only 5 when mom passed away, I remembered her funeral. The church was full of crying, despair, and sadness. My dad was the worst; just sitting alone on the church pew, tears collecting in his eyes, but never falling.

My dad owned this big company specializing in cosmetic products. It was weird, since mom originally owned the company. So, as his only daughter, I was the only heir for this enterprise. According to my dad, I needed someone to guide me, being as the company was such a huge responsibility and that he couldn't do it all alone. To him, the best way to fix that was to marry someone again.

One day, when I was skipping around the house, I noticed my dad sitting alone in his office frowning at thin air. Therefore, I skipped my way over to his lap and questioned him with my hazel, brown eyes.

“Daddy, what are you thinking about?”

He lifted me up and placed me beside him on the chair with his big hands on my bony, little shoulders.

“Honey, I think it's best for you to have a new mother,” he said to me with softened eyes.

I sat silently for awhile and then innocently asked, “Will she replace mama? Is she a good person?”

“She will not replace her, honey no one can. But she can be your new best friend.  She’s a great person and guess what? She’ll be arriving tomorrow for lunch with her daughters! You will have new sisters! Don't you want that?” Father asked with excitement, the hope shining in his eyes, both emotions dominating the softened look he had before.

I simply nodded my consent.

I wasn't really sure if I really want a new mother or new sisters, but my daddy wanted it for me and the thought of it made him happy. And if he's happy, I'm happy.

The next day, as I was getting ready for the lunch, I stared at myself in the mirror, while touching the locket around my neck. Whenever I wear the locket and this blue satin dress I have on now, it was like I was looking at my mom's reflection.

I wished I had more of her things. Ever since mom died, Dad decided to donate all her belongings to charities and outreach programs-- that way he could help someone and, at the same time, help him adjust to his new life without mom. I was ready to adjust now too, ready for the change. As I came downstairs, my dad looked up at my descending figure all teary-eyed.

“Look, you’re already a lady,” he said while playing with my honey blonde hair. I smiled showing my pearly whites. “You’re growing up so fast, Cinderella, I can barely keep up with you, sweetheart.” He smiled lovingly at me.

Then the doorbell rang, breaking our moment, and I scurried down the door to get it.

When I opened it, I saw a woman smiling really big, but when she looked down at me, her face looked like she smelled a sour scent. There were 2 girls behind her; they were playing with each other's hair. I smiled at the woman but she didn't give me any response. Instead, she just walked directly to our large living room.

"Carrie!" My dad said, approaching her.

"Harold!" She responded as she gestured to hug him.

"Where's Cinderella? WE can't wait to meet her!" She announced, emphasizing the WE word.

My dad motioned me to come near him, and I did.

"This is my daughter, Cinderella."

"Cindy." I corrected.

And then she got an "oh" look on her face.

“I'm sorry. I thought you were one of the maids' daughters. You look like one in that hideous dress your wearing. Do you want me to buy a new one for you?” She said with a big faux smile on her face.

That was the day that I realized that she wasn’t going to be my best friend; or my mother.

Carrie and dad exchanged vows; they were warmly welcomed to our family. We were all so happy at that time. I didn’t think that they would actually fake their happiness.  

One fine evening, I and dad were discussing about various topics, when suddenly we felt the ground shake. It was shaking so abnormally that things started falling off out of their proper place. I looked at dad, frightened. He held my hand, squeezed it tight, and let go.

That was the day I lost my father.

Lucky for Carrie, She got everything my dad owned; the company, the house, the money, and unfortunately, ME.

Since then, I saw Carrie and her daughters show their true colors. Every night I would remember myself crying to sleep. And I would always open my locket just to see the phrase written there.

Life is never easy for those who dream.

I never understood what it meant, but I always read it.

Guess what dad? You broke your promise. 

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