Chapter 6.2 - Meeting My Dancing Partner

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A/N: Everyone, I really hope you appreciate this chapter. :D and I would surely love your feedback! It keeps me inspired. ♥ OH PRETTY PLEASE HIT LIKE,VOTE, OR JUST COMMENT. 

Might be uploading on Christmas Eve. Happy Holidays everyone! :D

I examined myself in the mirror. I didn’t look like myself at all. The dress was complicated but is really eye-catching. In its sides, it shows the sky at night. While on the middle part, it shows the sky at sunrise or sunset, and a little purple complementing the two scenarios. I was so wonderstruck that I didn’t even pay attention to my face.

When I saw my face, my whole body froze. And, for the first time, in my whole entire existence, I looked....beautiful. I was so shocked; I didn’t see myself like this before.

My makeup concluded of; Pair deep crimson lips with my porcelain skin, curly, pulled-back hair, and slightly smoky eyes that will be covered with the mask later on. I smiled. I wish mom and dad could see me now.

“But, wait. Where’s my locket?”I said with a panicking tone.

She snapped her fingers and my locket was now in place. I smiled at her.

I hugged the witch-y lady and asked. “Can I ask your name?”

“Just call me Claire.”She said, stroking my hair.

I hugged her tightly. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet.” She replies as I pull off from my hug.

I looked around, and saw that the mask was placed above my Hello Kitty pillow. I grabbed it and put it on. I lifted my mattress to get the paper containing the number 16.

But when I lifted it, it wasn’t there.

“Are you looking for this?” I turned around and she got the paper on her hand. I sighed in relief.

“Yes.” I said as I took it from her hand. I looked at the clock; 7:45 pm

With good timing, Tara honked right outside. I looked at Claire and smiled thankfully.

I rushed downstairs, while holding the tiny piece of paper. The doorbell rang, and I opened it.

“Hey there, let’s go?” I greeted Tara. When I looked at her, her jaw was literally dropping. She was wearing a flowing white dress. Her brown hair in curls and her lips in a rose colored lip gloss. She looks gorgeous with makeup.

“Look…at YOU!” She said eyeing me head to toe.

“What do you think? Do I look tacky?” I asked.

“No...Tacky isn’t even close to what describes you right now! But wait, how did you do all of…this?”

“Now let’s just keep that confidential.” I replied, mysteriously.

“C’mon. We’ll be late for prom.” She said, while assisting me to her car.


We were now on the property of Ridgefield High. I got out of Tara’s car. I wasn’t used to wearing heels, so I sometimes lose my balance. We walked our way to our school door. It was so quiet in there, but we can hear the party music echoing through the halls.

We walked inside the gym. Then suddenly everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at our direction.  They were all wearing masks. Others have feathers on them, they came with assorted colors. Some were big, some were small.

“Tara they are all looking at you.” I whispered to Tara.

“They're not looking at me, Cindy. They are looking at you. “She replied.

Why? Did I look dreadful?  A hundred doubts started popping inside my head.

I grabbed Tara’s arm and walked towards Tara’s circle of friends. They are members of the prom committee. We sat down on their table. They don’t know me, simply because; I’m not much of a people person.

“So, Who’s she, Tara?” Our student council president, Logan Haggenburg asked, while grinning at me.

“Don’t even think about it, Logan.” She objected, giving him a playful hit on the arm. They look cute together. Tara has a crush on him. She can’t stop talking about him.

I sniggered. I stood up to get some punch.

As I was walking, I tried not getting into people’s ways. Finally, I reached the food table. I grabbed a huge plastic cup and poured in some green- colored punch. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around. I was surprised to see Vanessa using  her can-we-be-friends-because-you-have-something-useful-that-i-can-use smile.

“Hey, are you new? I haven’t seen you around here before.” She exclaimed in a friendly tone.

“I’m a… uh… a teacher’s daughter. I don’t go to school here.” I just replied.

But before she talked again, I started walking towards our table again. And then a voice suddenly announced. “Everyone, enough with the eating, time for the dancing!”

My chest suddenly tightened. I hope I get a normal prom date. Please, I pray to the gods and goddesses. Please.

“Now this is the fun part; Go and search for the people with the same number as you.” The voice announced.

People were standing up calling out their names, I unfolded the paper I’m holding and started waving it around like it was a handkerchief. I looked around and I saw other peoples’ expressions.

Some were so happy; some looked disappointed, while some were just contended with what they got. I looked at Tara and ironically, she got Logan. Lucky her. Lucky him. Unfortunate me.

I was still waving my number when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and a guy in a plaited tux with a black and gold streaked mask started talking to me.

“Number?” He asked.

I showed him the paper and he smiled.

“I guess I’m your partner.” He said, smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2011 ⏰

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