Chapter 3.2 - Asking the witch

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  • Dedicado a Adrianne Louise Petras

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, hope this satisfies your reading needs! :P It’s our christmas party today, and I might say, I’m more looking forward to vacation than the party! This came out late  because of school, I really don’t have the time to write. But I write in my free time using only pen and paper. Not only that, but I write through our desktop and my mom’s laptop. So it’s kind of complicated. I have to transfer the files to my USB. Anyways, Happy Holidays Everyone! :D


I turned around to see the “so-called Tyler”.

I expected him to be the normal good-looking guy. But when I actually turned around, it wasn’t another bad-ass.

But instead it was….

That dude that spilled coffee on me.

“I think I know him.” I whispered to Tara as I put out my super heavy book.

Tara looked at me like this was practical. Like this was typical.

“Who wouldn’t be? I bet you also have a little crush on him too.”

What the. How dare she say that? Okay, I’m not going to bother. Let’s just get over it and move on.

Quoted by; The monster of all monsters.

She always say that when something REALLY bad happens to me, but when it happens to her. She will always blame it on me. Even the stupid ones.  Unfair right? That’s my life summarization right there; UNFAIR.

I bid farewell to Tara; why? We don’t have the same schedule.

I hugged my books tight and went to my first class; Science and Technology. We were learning about solar flares and other stuff about the Heavenly bodies. There’s a habit of mine that I memorize my lessons the night before we discuss it. Just because of pure boredom. So I often don’t listen to my teacher, and I have nothing to do but stare at the wall clock and well, -- sulk.

Sometimes, teachers catch me in my daydreams and they give me detention. Well, I’d better stay in detention than work for Carrie and her evil daughters. I entered the room. There were no people in the room yet.

I found a dusty old chair on the back of the room and sat down.  I grabbed a napkin (not the sanitary one, the ordinary one) and got some spray alcohol. I wiped the dirty desk. I examined the desk. There were these creepy words written there like;

Mister Poopy pants was here.


I love coconuts

Or even super weird sentences like,

I pooped on this desk. :P

I flinched. I scanned the room and saw that it was slowly filling up. Then, I saw our professor; Mister Creepathon. No, I’m not joking. It really is Creepathon. But he says that it is pronounced as “Creep-ay-thon”.  He has a round belly, so he always wears black. He’s short and stout. And his past time is to scream at students. I think of him as a really CREEPY guy. Note the sarcasm.

The room was finally full and he started his lecture about the constellation of stars. And automatically, I felt drowsy. I rested my head on my crossed forearms. I feel so tired. I think I’m going to….


“Miss?.... Miss?.... MISS?!” a bothering voice awakened me.

Bizarre CinderellaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora