Chapter 3.1 :O

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A loud bang came from behind me, it was like a bomb exploding. Like a fusion or something.

I turned around and I saw an old lady. Not just any old lady, but she looked like a homeless one. She had this black dirt marks on her face, ragged clothes, messy hair, and looked like she needed dental check ups – and fast.

She walked shakily, then sat beside me on the bench. The weird thing about this is that she doesn't smell like a homeless person at all. She smells like sweet vanilla. Maybe it was just a figment of my imagination, but that's what she smelled like.

And then she looked at me with those green sharp eyes. She didn't say anything. Just stared at my eyes, like she was staring at my soul. I broke the silence between us when I said,

“I'm sorry, I know that your suffering right now. I hope this helps..” I let out 10 dollars from my wallet. Somehow, I felt the urge to give a big amount of money or not even talking about the money, just by helping someone. It feels good. 

“I should get going, do you need help on anything?” I offered. 

She looked at me again with those sharp green eyes. And then some white fog started to appear around her. And some undescribable light blinded my eyes, that I just had to cover them. When I sensed that the light was already gone, I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was still a little blurry. 

But what I saw was shocking.

I was so shocked I couldn't help screaming. “Who are you?! What the..?! How did that just happen?!” 

Oh mygod, I think im going crazy.

I now looked at her from head to toe. Still had those sharp green eyes. Hooked down nose. Fine brown hair. She wore an outfit that was appropriate for a scene on Harry Potter. You can feel that the atmosphere suddenly changed.

I looked at her terrified.

“Don't be scared, I know exactly how you feel.” She said with a fixed smile on her face.

“Wh..what are you?!”

“You mean, who? Hey, I'm still a person! I'm your...”

“Fairy godmother?” I asked absentmindedly. Why did I say that? I don't believe in magic. I don't believe in magic. Not now.

“No,dear! Do I look like a fairy to you? Fairies are so sweet as sugar and all that shiny,glitter stuff. I am a witch.” She said while doing a pretty witch-y pose.

“A w-witch?” I asked shaking.

“Yes, and now i'm going to give you a gift.”

“A gift? What kind of gift?”

“A gift that will change your life.” 

And then she winked at me. What does she mean by that? If this is a prank, I am so arguing with the evil popular group from school.

“Cindy!” Tara shouted behind me. 

I turned around to see Tara sprinting towards me. 

“ last thing..” I said turning around to face the witchy lady.

But when I turned around, she was nowehere to be found.

Tara started jumping up and down while saying. “GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT?!”

I was still creeped out by the whole old lady thing, but I managed to reply. “What?”

“Prom is moved from next month, to this weekend!” She did hand gestures while saying this.

“Cool. Have fun at prom.” I looked at my watch; 2 minutes before class starts.

“Wait, your not going? I thought we already discussed this.” she replied.

“I'll..I'll try.” I muttered.

Then the bell rang. 

* * *

The doors are open, the jocks are joking, the nerds are reading, the quire is singing, the preppy girls are...uhm preppy-ing and the dorks are.., well, pretty much just being a dork.

This is high school all right. To be honest, I don't really know what group I am in. I hang out with some of the geeks,dorks, maybe a few on the preppy ones and NONE in the jocks. I don't even know what others' names are. Or what they look like.

I walked down to my locker and clicked my number combination. I was just minding my own business when a couple of girls screamed.

I took my stuff and asked Tara. “Why are they screaming?”

“Tyler Harrison.” She whispered, while staring at the “so-called Tyler.”

I turned around to look at this particular guy.

*                                                        *                                                                          *

A/N: Sorry for the short upload. but as i said , It's only Part 1 of Chapter 3. :">

The video on the side is a great song. So, yeah.

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