Chapter 1 - The Introduction

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A few years later....

“CINDY!!!!” My stepmother, Carrie. (Also known as the monster of all monsters) screamed from downstairs.

I rolled my eyes. What other crazy task is she preparing for me now?

I was still fixing her bedroom. It was so messy you can see a rat's home on the side.

I rushed downstairs and made it in 5 seconds sharp.

“Yes, Carrie?” I asked my hands on my back.

“I want you to shop for dog food.” She said while holding a tequila with the little wooden umbrellas on it.

“But, we don't have a dog.”

“Then go buy a dog too.” She said while sipping her cold tequila.

I told you, crazy tasks.

“Are you serious?” I asked.

“Yes. Now hurry up.” She mumbled.

I sighed and went for the door. I grabbed my cellphone and texted my friend, Tara.

Going to the mall to buy a dog and some dog food. Meet me at the food court.”

She replied after a short while.

Okay. Will be there in about 15 mins.” I guess she was already used to me doing very crazy tasks. There was this one time, that she commanded me to go get a package from China, and I should go to China. But when I said I don't have a passport, she just went there herself, and she got stuck there for a month.

3 points for Cindy.

I took my scooter and started “scooting” my way to the mall.

* * *

Me and Tara were just walking through the hallways of the mall and finally stumbled upon a decent petshop. We walked in and the first dog that I saw, was a cute little brown pug. He was only a few months old. Not that young but not that old. The first time I saw him, I knew that he was the dog destined to be adopted by us.

And of course, we adopted him. And don 't worry, this mall allows pets to come in. Just not exotic pets. I don't want to imagine a snake slithering comfortably on the halls. That would be wrong.

The pug was so friendly. And was so cute! No doubt Melissa and Vanessa are going to spoil this little furry friend.

Melissa and Vanessa are the monster's daughters. Also known as the witches. Tara replaces “Witches” with a rhyming word that wouldn 't be appropriate for ultra young readers.

Who, if given a chance, will singlehandedly ruin my life. But I don't talk back to them. Because if I do, they will make me move out. And when I move out, I don't know where i'll live. Even though I really want to move out as soon as possible, there's just no chance.

Tara did her shopping and offered me and Chocolate, (I named him Chocolate) A ride home. I tried refusing, but I realized it's a win-win situation for me, so I agreed. We got off and I thanked Tara for the ride. Chocolate didn't even need a leash. He just automatically followed me.

I opened the front door and Melissa and Vanessa were standing back to back with each other, with their arms crossed.

“Where have you been, you little brat?” Vanessa asked with disgust.

I wanted to punch her, but a part of me says; Remember, You don't have a place to stay.

Before I could even answer, Melissa started sniffing like a wild detective. She looked like she was having a seizure or something. I tried not to laugh.

“What is that horrible dog smell?” She said pinching her nose.

“It's the dog that your mom wanted me to buy.” I mumbled.

Then they straightened out, realizing that what they were doing looked stupid and immature.

“Well, I can't resist a cute dog...” Melissa said,while placing her hand on Chocolate's head.

But Chocolate started barking and acted as if he was going to bite her hand off. I touched Chocolate's neck and that calmed him down.

Then Melissa and Vanessa started letting out shrieks like they were burned alive or something.

Then Carrie rushed with annoyance marked on her face.

“What's going on here?” She asked.

No one answered.

“WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!” She roared. We all went quiet. Even Chocolate, he started shaking. I moved closer to him so that I can comfort him.

Then the “twins” looked at me and pointed like five year olds. So immature.

“You again.” Carrie said raising her eyebrows.

“Here's your dog.” I said showing off the scared Chocolate beside me.

“Eww. Of all the cute dogs, this is what you give me?! And now I see you scaring my daughters?! Oh I am so full! Your grounded! NO MOBILE PHONES FOR A WEEK!”


“No Buts, Now go prepare us some dinner! Oh, and by the way, the dog's yours. YOU GO AND TAKE CARE OF THAT FLEA BAG!” She screamed as she vanished somewhere upstairs.

My blood started to boil. But as I said, I HAVE NOWHERE TO LIVE IN.

As she was gone Melissa and Vanessa started bullying me again.

“That's what you get when you try to scare us.” She said in a “as a matter a fact” tone.

“It wasn't me. It was the dog. Now please just excuse me.” I mumbled.

“What if we don't excuse you?” Melissa snapped.

“Then i'm gonna put poison on your food.” I snapped back.

I cried myself to sleep. Again.

* * *

You know what I hate about mornings?

It's because I can't enjoy them.

I have a part-time job as an intern in MY DAD'S company. And I have to buy coffee and bagels or donuts to the staff. I already memorized their orders. After I delivered all the coffee and snacks, I wear my school clothes and go to school.

See? I'm always busy. But it's always the same old things that i'm doing.

Well, except for the crazy tasks Carrie commands from time to time.

I looked at my watch, 4:30 am.

I scanned my wardrobe and searched for a clean uniform. Because, I have been busy with all the chores that I can't even clean my OWN things. When I found one, I immediately wore it and rushed downstairs. Still with my shirt unbuttoned halfway, I microwaved some from last night's leftovers.

I sat down the couch and put on my socks. I buttoned my shirt,grabbed my wallet,and stuffed it in my barbie backpack. It was supposed to be a “gift” from the Witch family. But it turned out that it's pockets were broken and the zippers won't function properly. But I had to keep up with it. So, yeah. I touched my locket to see if it's there, and yes it is. I forgot about Chocolate!

He was now trapped in my room. So if he had to do some “business” I will be doomed. I rushed back to my room, grabbed some newspaper, and placed it beside my floor lamp. I went back to the kitchen and brought out 2 unused bowls from the cupboard. I filled one with water, and the other one, with yesterday's lunch. I placed them beside the newspaper. I went directly outside and I just remembered something!

My scooter! :O 

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