Chapter 4 - The 3 Major Announcements

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“What do you mean the theme has changed?” I asked as I looked around Ridgefield High.

“It did. The 70s theme is now  changed into a masquerade ball.” Tara said in a gossipping gesture.

“Seriously? A masquerade?” I muttered not so softly. The crowd around us freezed and started whispering nonsense.

“It’s what everyone suggests! What do you say? Have you picked your prom dress yet?” She asked, with full of interest.

This is a bad idea. I already prepared my Afro wig and rockstar style outfit. AND IT JUST HAD TO BE A MASQUERADE DIDN'T IT? Am I unfortunate or what?

“I’m not even sure if I can make it to prom yet. I asked Carrie but it has a catch…as always.” I commented sheepishly.

“What’s the catch?” She asked, while a guy named Byron was staring at her down the hall.

“I have to clean the house from top to bottom and..” 

“Well, that is a lot of work.” She interrupted.

“Not only that, but I need to shop for the twin evil sisters’ prom dresses. Thinking about it makes me barf. I should get them like a super silly dress.” I said smiling evilly as I imagine it.

Tara just smiled as a reply. I leaned on my locker and sighed. So much to do. So little time. 

The doors opened, and a flock of girls usual. While some of the guys hooted. I automatically looked at the door and saw the popular group. 

Tyler,Melissa,Vanessa,Bryce,Casey, and Lennie. They are all couples. I think they're like made for each other. Makes me flinch everytime.  

When they all walk, you can just feel like they are important. Like they're someone special.

When they were passing through me, I held my gaze into Tyler's face. And then he looked at me for a millisecond. My whole body froze. It was like my tummy is in a rollercoaster or something.

I just shook my head and wrapped my jacket tightly. When did it ever got cold in here?

The speaker was turned on and a lousy bored voice suddenly filled the halls. 

"Everyone, we would like all of you to go the theater in 5 minutes sharp. Important news. Ta-ta!"

Me and Tara exchanged glances. But her look was sort of secretive while mine was well...normal.

When we entered the theatre the first thing i noticed was the large fish bowl with pieces of paper inside them. I positioned myself on the last row of the theatre, where no one wants to sit. Me and Tara were always pleased being alone. Even for a socialite like her.

Then the popular group came in, and all the people's eyes were on them. Well, except for me and Tara. I rolled my eyes. I am just fed up on people judging other people, you know? Well, just people judging other people due to their physical appearance.

But I noticed something, Tyler wasn't there. Where did he go? I shook my head once again.

I leaned my back so i can get the perfect position. I was starting to sleep when our Principal; Mrs. Tholmes, started talking.

"Hello, Everyone!" She said, her neck nerves showing off.

The crowd answered her with some hi's and hello's. I just straightened my back to show interest.

Mrs. Tholmes smiled freakishly and announced. "But before we make the announcement, here is a production number brought to you by.." She lifted a yellow pad paper and said. "Tyler Harrison..Let's give him a round of applause!"

And the theater was filled with thunderous claps. And Melissa was smiling like she's mentally broadcasting; "Oh my god! That's my boy over there! Yeah, back off tramp!" 

I just sighed and rolled my eyes. And then the red curtains opened and there he was. With his brown wooden guitar hanging from him. And then he started singing...

(Song on the side! >>>>)

As he was singing, I kind of felt a tingly sensation. I just shrugged it off. Tara looked at me and said. "You like him don't you?" She asked smiling at me like crazy.

"I just like his voice...a little." I comented. I am so lying right now. His voice The weird thing about this is, he wasn't looking at Melissa. He wasn't looking at anyone particular. It was like he was singing this from the heart. And the message was like, true.

 "I need to find you... I gotta find you..."

When he finished, some were clapping like crazy, some gave him a standing ovation, while I just clapped and clapped and clapped.

Mrs. Tholmes stood up from her seat and grabbed the mic from Tyler. While Tyler just bowed and walked away from the stage.

"That was an outstanding performance,Mr. Harrison! Now, to the announcement...We will have 3 major announcements!! To be explained by 3 representatives from the prom commitee." 

Then someone stood from their place, the spotlight shining down on him, whose name is Henry..i think.

He looked straight, like he was a soldier or something and said with a husky voice, "Attttteeeeeennnttttsssyyyuuuunnn! The first announcement is that the theme has changed to a Masquerade ball. You better gather your masks and ball gowns in this prom!" And then he sat down.  People were starting to get noisy a bit. 

Then some girl from the front aisle stood up. She was Katy Letrrison.  She has a dark loud voice. "THE SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT IS THAT THERE IS NO TIME LIMIT FOR THIS PROM. YOU CAN DANCE ALL NIGHT LONG..LITERALLY!" The crowd wooed. and i felt like i was in a club.

When all the commotion ended, Tara suddenly stoodup and the spotlight shined on her like the scorching sun, but she cleared her throat and said. "THE THIRD ANNOUNCEMENT IS THAT WE WILL NOT CHOOSE OUR OWN PARTNERS...BUT WE WILL CHOOSE A NUMBER FROM OUR LARGE FISHBOWL INFRONT. WE WILL HAVE A FISH BOWL FOR GIRLS AND ANOTHER ONE FOR BOYS. AFTER THIS ANNOUNCEMENT, WE CAN NOW GO INFRONT AND PICK A NUMBER. PLEASE DONT TELL WHAT NUMBER YOU GOT. IF ANYONE KNEW WHAT NUMBER YOU GOT, YOU WILL BE BANNED FROM PROM." She sat down and immediately said. "Let's go. We wouldn't want to be last.." And then she stood up.

I didn't care if i go last. I'm probably just going to get a creep for a dancing partner anyway. Lots of girls went first before me, I just out my hands on my pocket, and hoping that I could just get a decent date for prom. And finally after a couple of minutes..(which felt like centuries) It's already my turn to pick...I guess. But I can't pick because I have the last paper.

I grabbed it and opened it. 

I had......














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