Paille #20

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“God damn it,” I screamed after I dropped my purse on the ground next to the front door, “I hate my life!”

“What’s wrong babe,” My husband’s voice came echoing throughout the house from the kitchen. He was probably making dinner for the 2 of us.

“Just another shitty day,” I replied as I dropped on the couch with a big dramatic huff.

“Why was it so shitty,” He inched as he sat down on the couch next to me.

“Could you please just drop it for now Daniel,” I asked flashing my pleading look in his direction.

He looked at me and shook his head slightly, as if he was disappointed. Slowly he stood up and said, “Let me know when you want to talk,” while walking back into the kitchen to finish making dinner.

“Ok,” I mumbled rubbing my temples to calm myself.

Tears started to roll down my cheeks.

The stress has gotten to me.

 I’ve finally cracked under this pressure of the whole world.

“Why can’t life be a little easier,” I cried to myself covering my face with my hands.

Once my tears stopped I stood up from my warm spot on the couch I shuffled my feet across the hard wood floor. Slowly I walked into the bath room and closed the door. I sat down on the white tiled floor and leaned against one of the cabinet doors. My shaky hand slid under the cabinet and then felt all over for the small cold object. Once I found it I slid it towards me and picked up the small rectangular silver object. My eyes traced the sharp edge and studied the blood on it from last time I had been in this place.

Taking a deep breath I put that very edge to my leg where I had pulled up my skirt. I quickly moved the razor to the side, a quick shooting pain went through my thigh. Quietly I gasped as I endured the pain.

“Tay,” There was a knock on the door.

I didn’t answer, my muscled tightened.


I stayed still.

“TAY! I’m coming in,” He warned and pushed the door opened.

“OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING,” He basically yelled in shock.

“I-I-I uhhh…”

“Tayler! How deep did you cut yourself,” He asked dropping down next to me and pulling out some washcloths from the cabinet.

“I-I don’t know,” I mumbled looking directly into his now frightened hazel eyes.

He carefully put the washcloth over my deep cut on my thigh.

“Why Tayler, just why?”

I looked down ashamed. His hand on my cheek made me look up at him.

“I-I’m sorry it’s just the stress! I c-couldn’t take it,” I replied with a sad look on my face.


Once he got it to stop bleeding he bandaged it up.

“Tayler, please don’t do that again,” He said picking me up bridal style and bringing me to the couch.

“I-I won’t,” I mumbled looking down.

“Hey look at me.”

I didn’t look up.

“Come on Tay please…”

His had moved my head up to look at him.

“I love you Tayler,” He told me wrapping his hands around me.

“I-I love you too Mr. Paille,” I replied hugging him.   


CAMPBELL SHALL BE TOMORROW :) Got anyone else you want a one shot of? Comment!   

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