Chapter 9

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Sehun POV
After the meeting finish just now , I directly get outside and not allowing Luhan hyung to talk any words with me anymore.

I miss him so much. I want to hug that person , he's like my brother. But everything change now. When I see him , I feel that I hate him so much. There's too many reasons why I'm so hate him. I didn't want to hate him but after what he did , I can't forgive him.

Suddenly , I'm feeling so weird when all of sudden I arrive at the park. The park where I and also Luhan hyung always playing together from kids. I didn't realise that I'm here already. I sitting on the bench and looking around. The memories between me and Luhan hyung when we're 19 playing in my mind.

>> flashback <<

Sehun on the way to the park. He's already late at the time , he promised that he'll be at 3.00 pm but it's already 4.00 pm now. He was ran as fast as he can and arrived. Luhan waited there for almost an hour. 'Sehun , why you're so late ?' Luhan asked.

'Sorry , hyung. I have tuition just now. Forget to tell you.' Sehun replied. He still looked so tired because he's running. Luhan chuckled. 'Who ask you to be a good student ? I've told you to be the old Sehun that's lazy and not serious one.'

Sehun approached Luhan and sat beside him on the bench. 'It's not my choice too. My mother said it's for my future. I want to change too. Being the good student like you.' Luhan patted his head. 'Don't need to be like me. Be yourself because you already great.' Luhan told Sehun.

'Okay , hyung. You know , I'm so jealous with you. Everyone always praises you in what you do. But when I won the basketball tournament and being the best player when I was 17 , no one praise me and giving the support for me. I'm such a loser.' Sehun said , he's not really confident and disappointed with himself.

'Hey , who said no one supporting you. I'm here. I promise you right that I'll always supporting you and always be with you as your friend.'

Luhan and Sehun gave each other a friend hug that they always do.

>> end of flashback <<

'Uncle , why are you crying ? Here , take this tissue.' the little boy asking me and he give me the tissue.

I didn't know that the tears falling down my cheeks at the time. I realise after the little boy told me. 'Uncle , my father said guy can't cry. We're boy or guy , we never cry. We're strong.' the little boy said. I pat his head and he sit beside me on the bench. 'You're so clever , boy. I'm sure your mother happy that had been gave birth to you.'

'I have no mother , uncle. My mother died. I only have adopted mother but she never love me. Only my father that love me.'

'I'm so sorry. I didn't know about that.' I feeling so pity with that little boy. 'What's your name ?'

'My name is Taeyong. What about you , uncle ?'

So his name is Taeyong. What a good name he have.

'My name is Oh Sehun. You can just call me uncle.' he smiling. He's really sweet and also cute boy like my daughter , Yeri. 'Why are you crying , uncle ?'

'It's nothing. I just miss my friend when I visit this park.'

'Ooo... So that's the reason. What happen to your friend now , uncle ? Where is your friend ?'

That boy has so many questions to ask. But I like it when talking with him. 'He's now go far. Far away until I can't find him.'

Far away that I mean is about his attitude actually. He's so far for me to reach the old Luhan. When he become a liar , he make me can't trust him anymore. I'm so disappointed and sad with him.

'He'll come back , uncle. Just wait , time not always pass without any reason.'

'Yah ! You still kid , but you're like an old man when you said that.' he just giggling and he's really make me calm a little at the time.

Luhan POV
Sehun never want to talk with me now. God , what's wrong actually ? Please help me to find out about it quickly. I need to apologise if I made anything wrong. Is that still because I leave Yoona ?

Bip ! Bip !

I got a text message from the Detective Wu. His job suppose to be clear now but why he's still send a message for me. I open the text message and read it. Maybe it's important.

From : Detective Wu
To : Mr Luhan
Mr Lu , I just want to inform you that Im Yoona is now at Korea. I just met with her just now. If you want to see her , you can go to the Rainbow Cafe now at *** street.

Yoona in Korea ? Is she really here ? God , I miss her so much. I really miss you , Yoong. I quickly stand up and bump with Kai when I'm about to get outside of my office.

'Did you need to go to somewhere , Mr Lu ?'

'I'm going to somewhere now. Please cancel all my meeting for today.'

After that , I quickly running to the outside. I can't wait to meet Yoona , I really miss her. Yoong , please wait for me.

Yoona POV
We are now on the way to our house. It's the best day today. Hanging out with Krystal after a long time not meeting each others. Krystal now already closed with my Yeri.

Suddenly , Yeri crying. 'Unnie , what's wrong with her ?' Krystal already panic at the time. 'Yeri-ah , why my dear.' I take Yeri from Krystal and then hug her. 'Omma , i-i-ce- cream...' she look at me and stop crying.

'Ice-cream !?'

'Unnie , maybe she mentioning to the chocolate pudding.'

'Oh.. Krystal , can you take her to the car. I'll buy some more pudding for her. Honey , go with aunty Krystal. I'll get your ice-cream. Okay ?'

She not nodding instead she give me a peck of kiss on my lip. 'Good. Here.' I handing Yeri to Krystal. I'm gonna be late to prepare the dinner for tonight. I need to be fast.

5 minutes later...

When I already get the chocolate pudding , I walking to the outside. Abruptly , I feel someone hugging me from behind. The warmth is really make me comfortable abruptly. I wonder who is it.

'I miss you , Yoong.'

God , is that . . . .


* Taeyong and Sehun met together but Sehun didn't know Taeyong is Luhan's son.
* Yoona and Luhan , did they meet again after two years ? Who is hugging Yoona ?

What will happen next ?
If you want to know what going to happen please wait for the next update. ☺
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