Chapter 35

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|| J Restaurant ||

Luhan got a phone call from Sehun and he directly go to the J Restaurant. Luhan wait for almost ten minutes but Sehun still not arrived.

'Where's he? It's almost ten minutes..' Luhan complaint. He didn't know why Sehun still not arrived. Sehun is the one who want to meet him but he come late.

About another ten minutes , Sehun arrived at the restaurant. He enter the restaurant and searching for Luhan. He smirk when he saw him and approaches the table.

'I'm sorry for being late.' Sehun said. Luhan lift his head and looking at standing Sehun in front of him. He look handsome + not satisfied + hate. Sehun pull the chair and sit opposite to Luhan. 'Want to order something?' Luhan asked. 'No need. I just come here for a while. Just to solve something with you. Not for having lunch with you.' Sehun said coldly and Luhan know he's angry too.

I've no time to drink or eat now because of you and Yoona. Both of you make me suffer so much but how you still can be this calm? So heartless and I really hate it, Sehun thought.

'So, what are the things that you want to discuss with me?' Luhan said straight to the point since he knew both of them are busy. That's why he want to make it quick.

Sehun looking at Luhan with his sharp eyes, full with hatred and resentment. On the other hand, Luhan just lift down his head because he feel guilty toward Sehun.

You shouldn't feel like this! You're not doing anything wrong toward him. Remember, he's the one who stole Yoona from you. No matter what happen, make Yoona yours again, Luhan thought.

Both of them are deeply sinking in their ego. The situation will not looking so awkward if they just throw out the ego. But none of them willing to do it.

Huhhh !

Sehun throw the black file on the table which make Luhan frown. He wonder about the content of the file but he didn't think of something negative. 'You should read it. It's important for your company too.' Sehun advising him.

Without any suspicious, Luhan open the black file and read the content calmly. 'What do you mean by a new conditions?' Luhan raise his voice a bit when he finish reading the content.

'Kris's Cooperation is mine. I've discuss with Kris about this matter. And he just follow what I said as long as it's worth for our company.' Sehun explained to Luhan.

Luhan look at the content again. 'Why we must pay back after two years? We've discussed before that your company will help me without returning back the money. And the agreement was for three years but in this file it was just two years.' Luhan not satisfied and put back the file on the table.

Sehun smirk. 'Because we also didn't want to take the company that almost bankrupt. If the company survive smoothly after two years, we will renew the agreement. So, what do you think?'

'But if our company can't survive after that, what are you going to do?' Luhan asked nervously. He feel scared with the new conditions. Sehun just giving him more pressure.

'Simple, you must pay back how much we invest in your company and give us Lu's Cooperation. You will bankrupt too, right?' Sehun answering the questio as simple as he can.

I will make you suffer like me. This is real, this is Oh Sehun. One thing, you never know who I am because I always follow what you said before. But not anymore because I had it enough. I will make sure that I'll step forward and make you regret for what you've done. Sehun keep looking at Luhan.

Luhan was speechless and can't say anything. He just stay silent.

'You make this new conditions.. because I kissed Yoona, am I right?' Luhan suddenly asked. Sehun looking seriously at Luhan upon hearing what he said.

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