Chapter 15

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Day 2

That morning was really a different day in Yoona life. She awake from her peaceful and calm sleep with the fresh air around her. 'Woah , this place is really good and fresh. The air is really fresh not like at my place.' Yoona said. She looked outside the opened window and amazed with the beautiful nature.

'So beautiful.' Yoona's eyes not blinked anymore instead her eyes shine like a star looked at the nature. 'Young lady , you're awake.' Yoona shocked and instantly turned to the back. She saw an old couple that looked at her with smiles.

'Y-Yes.' Yoona stuttered. She felt so awkward with someone she didn't know or stranger. 'Anyway , I'm Yang Sukhee. This is my wife , Yang Sujin.' the old man introduced themselves to Yoona.

Yoona smiled to them and bowed politely to show her respect. 'My name is Im Yoona. Nice to meet both of you , ...' she stopped because didn't know what to call them. 'Just call us 'grandma' and 'grandpa'. It's comfortable.' Mrs Yang said to Yoona. Yoona just nodded.

'Let's have a breakfast together.'

'I'll come soon. I just want to take a bath first.'

'Okay. Enjoy yourself , Yoona.'

(after 20 minutes)

Luhan awake and get ready for the new day in his life like usual. When he went to the kitchen , he heard like persons happily have a fun discussion.

He looked and found Yoona and the grandparent Yang happily talked. They looking so closed at the time.'Luhan , you're awake. Come , join us.' Mr Yang called. Luhan nodded and sat on the chair beside Yoona.

'Good morning.' Yoona speak and gave her beautiful smile. Luhan didn't expect it at all. 'G-good morning.' he stuttered. 'Today we're going to fishing. Both of you want to come along ?' Mr Yang asked.

'Of course I want.' Yoona replied first. Luhan nodded at the time and enjoyed his breakfast. 'We're run out of ingredient. Can both of you follow me first ? If there's no food there's no fishing time.' Yoona and Luhan looked at each others. Why both of them have to follow ? It's like Mrs Yang tried to make them closer.

'Sure. You okay with that , Yoona ?'

'O-Okay. I'll follow too.' Yoona decided. Luhan felt something weird with Yoona. Suddenly , that girl not angry and bad mood like usual. Instead , she's so happy. 'Can I ask something to both of you ?' Mrs Yang said. Yoona and Luhan nodded.

'Are you dating ?'

Luhan choked at the time while Yoona shocked with the question. 'Here , drink this.' Yoona gave the glass of water to Luhan. Luhan took and gulp the drink. 'We're not dating. We're friends.' Yoona answered.

'That's right , grandma.' Luhan supported Yoona's words. Then he coughed a little. 'I thought you're dating. Anyway , let's enjoy the meals.'

Yoona secretly glanced at Luhan at the time. Mrs Yang noticed that actually.

-[ Supermarket ]-

Mrs Yang , Yoona and Luhan went to the supermarket together. There's many people at the supermarket. Well , it's in the morning. Many housewives went to the supermarket to get an ingredient.

'What we're going to bring soon ?' Yoona asked. 'We're going to make a kimbap and japchae.' Mrs Yang replied while choosing the vegetables. Luhan just waited for them and pushed the trolley.

'Why don't we try something different.' Yoona suggested. Mrs Yang and Luhan looked at Yoona. 'Like what ?' Luhan asked. 'Usually my brother will ask me to make something healthy for him before went fishing. So , let's make sandwich and salad.' Yoona suggested.

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