Chapter 3

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June 25th

Leondre and I were back at his house in Wales. We decided to relax on our 2 week break here. For the longest time, we wanted to do a 24 hour YouNow livestream. Unfortunately, we're physically incapable of doing something for so long. To accommodate, we're doing a 12 hour one from 12 PM to 12 AM. 

Leondre was tweeting out the news of our livestream, while I was posting it on Instagram. We started up the livestream right when the clock struck noon. To start, we had our viewers increasing by hundreds, and then eventually by thousands. It started being fixated around the 54,000 mark. I guess the fans have been waiting a long time for a long YouNow. 

"Wow, hello guys! All 54k of you! This is a nice way to kick off our livestream!" Leondre cheered.

"Yeah Leo, I guess this wasn't a bad idea after all," I remarked.

"Alright, why don't we kick this off with some questions? Tag us in your tweets and we'll try to answer as many of them as possible. Try to ask some weird or funny questions," Leondre explained.

I got out my phone and my Twitter was already blowing up with various questions. 

"Okay, this one is for you Leo... Do you have a girlfriend?" 

"I can definitely say I do not, and not anytime soon! My Bambinos are enough to keep me happy, even you Charlie."

"Wow thanks... And sorry to all the hopefuls out there! Next question... Cuddle with Leo or Chloe..."

"He obviously would rather cuddle with me, right? The fans seem to agree in the comments," Leondre remarked.

"Uh... Sorry, I'd rather cuddle with Chloe. Nothing against you, Leo." 

I'm getting real sick of these questions making me choose between Leo and Chloe. The fans were commenting yet again about the 'Chardre' ship. I roll my eyes and try to look for other questions to answer.

"Okay, Leo, what is one of your favorite hobbies?" I ask.

"Ah, probably writing lyrics to my raps, or just writing in general."

"Interesting, my turn. Would I rather meet my Bambinos or see Chloe... Okay guys, really? I would prefer if you guys stopped asking questions about Chloe. We wanted weird or funny questions," I demanded.

"Whoa, Charlie. It's okay, let's just move onto some other questions! Skip the ones about Chloe," Leondre reassured me.


1 PM

We spent a full hour trying to answer as many questions as we possibly could. It was ticking me off a bit considering the fans were still asking me questions about Chloe after I said not to. Hopefully, we can move on to the more fun stuff. 

"Alright, why don't we Skype some Bambinos? Leave your usernames in the comments and we'll be choosing 5 lucky fans to talk to!" Leondre announced.

A huge wave of Usernames came through. I chose the easiest one to remember, considering how fast they were coming and going. The first person would be, "MostlyTronnor." We typed in their name and rang up their Skype. The person answered immediately. 

"Hello, what's your name and where are you from?" I ask.

The teenage girl put her hands to her mouth and starting jumping up & down. She was screaming, but eventually settled down.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe this is happening! I love you guys so much! My name is Theadora and I am from L.A!" She exclaimed.

"Ah, an overseas viewer! It's great to meet you Theadora! Is there anything you'd like to tell us?" Leondre asked.

At The End of The Day (Bars & Melody: Chardre)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora