Chapter 6

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July 3rd

Our music video we recorded has been receiving positive reviews. It has garnered 3 million views on the first day of its release! With that being a success, the company has granted us a free day of relaxation. I decided to invite Chloe over to my house, as we haven't been seeing each other lately. Right now, I could really use someone to talk to. Chloe is the only one who'll be able to understand how I'm feeling. She probably knows more about Leondre than I do as of now. Perhaps I'll finally be able to get some answers. 

Chloe arrived at around 2:30 PM. She was wearing workout clothes, I'm guessing she was just at the gym earlier. 

"Hey sweaty," I tease her.

"What's up! I'm ready for some rest. I just ran 3 miles before I drove here," She panted.

I skipped the hug and just gave her a quick kiss. She let herself in and crashed on the couch.

"So what do you want to do?" She asks.

"Well... I was wondering if we could talk, about Leo."

"Oh yeah? I've been hearing you guys are somewhat in good terms. He also has that new boyfriend? He's pretty cute."

"That's actually not the case. Leo and I are in the worst terms possible. We barely talk to each other, and I'm pretty sure he has some resentment against me."

"What?! Tell me all about it, I'm here."

This will be the first time I'll be telling someone about what happened between Leo and I after his coming out. There's no other person than Chloe who I can tell about this. 

"So you see... I met up with Leo after he came out. Things lead to one another... And he confessed that he had feelings for me. Then, I said I hated him and stormed out. Things haven't been the same since."

"Wait, seriously? You said you hated him?" She questioned.

"Okay, but you're ignoring the fact that he confessed his feelings for me!"

"I already knew that Charlie. It was obvious. What I wasn't expecting was what you said to Leondre afterwards. How could you do that?"

"... It was in the heat of the moment. It came as a big shock to me."

"You have no idea how much Leondre has been going through! It takes a lot of courage to confess hidden feelings, let alone come out to thousands of fans!"

"Well what should I do? I don't even know how to win him back. He's been spending all that time with his boyfriend who I know nothing about. Who even is he?" I ask.

"Gosh, you're incredibly slow. His boyfriend is Axel Sommer. The German singer you guys toured with. From the various articles I read, it would seem Leo got close to him while we went on dates."

Axel Sommer... I took a while to process my thoughts. He was a tall 17 year old guy, perhaps a bit taller than me. He had brown hair with caramel highlights, and dark brown eyes. Axel was a fit man, and it definitely made him look intimidating. I didn't really talk to him much, but he seemed like a mysterious guy. Why would Leondre associate himself with that guy? I didn't even know Axel had a thing for guys.

"Well... Anything else you know?" I asked.

"Not really, there are pictures of them in public. Leo looks happy being with him, so cheers for him," Chloe says.

"May I see them?" 

Chloe takes out her phone and shows 4 pictures of them together. This was around the time after we finished recording our music video. 1 was them walking together holding hands, Leondre was smiling. 1 was them in a car, Leondre was smiling. The other 2 were them in a little diner, Leondre was smiling. Smiling without me. 

At The End of The Day (Bars & Melody: Chardre)Where stories live. Discover now