Chapter 4

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6 AM

I barely got a wink of sleep. My phone has been vibrating like crazy since 5 AM. Various people were texting me. Family, my company, and my friends... They were all asking if things between Leondre and I were okay. Looks like the news of the livestream spread quickly. I couldn't bear to check any of my social media. There are multiple times where I've upset my fans before, and Leondre was always there to save me in a pinch. This time around, I think I'll have to mend the situation on my own.

I was still on the couch in Leondre's living room. Light was barely coming through the white window blinds. Leo's mum left me a glass of water on the table. I can't be here right now. Facing Leondre will have to come later. Right now, I need to see Chloe. She's the only one I can go to for support right now. I gulped down the lukewarm water and head to the kitchen. It would be in my best interests to leave a note for Leondre. Sticky notes or printer paper...? Let's go with the sticky notes. I write a short message in black ink and stick it onto the kitchen island.

Leondre, I've left to see Chloe. I hope you're doing alright... Stay strong! - Charlie Lenehan

Alright, now that that's done, I need to call up a taxi. It's going to take a while for it to arrive though, there aren't many taxis out here. I'll just sit under Leo's tree until it comes. The streets were pretty empty out here. The only people here were the elderly doing their early morning walks. I must've looked shady to them, considering the troubled expressions they've been giving me. The breeze was pretty refreshing outside. It gently caressed my face as it gusts by. This was relaxing... Perhaps a little nap wouldn't be too bad. I'm going to need the rest.


"Charlie? What are you doing out here?" A familiar voice woke me up.

"H-huh? Where am I? Oh, um, I'm waiting for my taxi to come..." I groggily respond.

Leondre's mum was out here. Great, this is embarrassing. 

"Oh... So that's what that note was for. The news between you and Leondre's fight spread like wildfire. Are you guys alright?" She worried.

"Not really... Has Leo woken up yet?" I ask.

"No, but I did check up on him. There were a lot of tissues on the floor."

"Oh... I'm sor-" I was interrupted.

"Stop. You don't need to apologize for anything. You're a good kid, Charlie. I know you two will work things out," She reassures me.

"Thank you... I just feel bad for yelling at him."

"That's normal. I just want to say one thing though. Leondre is lonely without you. You're his only best friend. Be there for him, okay? Sometimes, moms like me just aren't enough," She states.

The words resonated through my head. Leondre is lonely without me? Well, now that I think about it, he doesn't really have any other friends. Just our crew, and the people we meet on tour. I really am his only best friend. Before I could say anything else, the taxi finally arrived. 

"Looks like it's time for you to go. Goodbye, Charlie," She says.

"Bye Mrs. Devries, thank you for your words of advice."

I gather my things and get inside the taxi. I gave the driver Chloe's address, and he drove me off. Leondre's house kept getting smaller when I looked back. I just need to do the right thing to solve all of this.


9 AM

The taxi pulled up onto Chloe's driveway. He thanked me after I tipped him. Chloe was already waiting for me outside her front door.

At The End of The Day (Bars & Melody: Chardre)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora