Chapter 9

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Leondre's Perspective

"Wait, Leondre! Where are you going?!" My manager called out to me.

"I'm going back to the hotel! Leave me alone!" I yell back.

I was infuriated. Why would Charlie be invited onto Samantha's show and not even tell me about it? For him to say all those things without my knowledge... I felt betrayed. Worst of all, he suddenly decides to come out to the entire United Kingdom that he's bisexual! That came out of nowhere! I can tell that the manager planned all of this so I could see what he had to say about me. I don't appreciate it very much. And Axel... He drove Charlie there? Never in my wildest dreams would I think they'd be close enough to do something like that. I'm going to have to talk with Axel about all of this. There's no reason as to why I should excluded from all of these activities. On the topic of Charlie... I don't even want to think about him right now. Axel texted me saying that he was on the way back to our hotel with Charlie. I told him that I would meet him in his hotel room. There are many questions waiting to be answered, he better have a good explanation for all of this. 


Room 341, I leaned against the wall waiting for Axel's arrival. I'm getting impatient. Finally, the elevator down the hallway opened up. Axel and Charlie were inside. My eyes widened seeing them together, and I looked the other direction. The elevator doors closed again and there were footsteps walking towards me. This time, it was only Axel. 

"Come inside," He led me inside his room.

This was the first time I've been inside here. It was a bit smaller than our other room, this time there were two twin sized beds in here. Axel sat on one, while I sat on the other. This was the first time we've really been together since that dreaded night. We're usually not so awkward with each other.

"You wanted to talk? Talk," He broke the silence.

"Um... You drove Charlie-"

"Your manager asked me to, I couldn't decline."

"Then, why was Charlie on Saman-"

"She wanted to interview Charlie without the pressure of your presence on him."

"Oh... So how are things betwee-"

"Charlie and I have gotten along."

"I see... That's good to hear..." I muttered.

It looks like he knew everything I was about to say. Well, that cut down the meaningful conversation by a lot. I thought we'd be on good terms again by now. There's still an unknown force keeping Axel and I apart. I'd be expecting a kiss, a hug, or a joke from him. It's like I'm talking to a wall. Suddenly, he got up and unzipped his duffel bag. He started to fold his clothes and pack them up.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Packing up. What do you think?"

"But... You're not supposed to leave until..."

"I don't have a place here anymore."

"What? Of course you have a place here, what makes you think that?!" I was surprised to hear him say that.

Axel glanced at me and did his little attractive smirk. He let out a tiny laugh and sighed.

"As cute as you are, you really are oblivious... I thought you'd figure everything out by now from watching that show."

"Figure what out? Stop confusing me!"

He stopped packing and stood up. He walked over and stood right in front of me. His height made it seem like he was towering over me. His hand ruffled my hair, and he pushed his two fingers against my forehead, moving my head back. 

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