Are you ever going to love me back? ; kim namjoon

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So this imagine is for londie_23 's friend Diana so hope u like it!!!
Diana's pov
Ugh I've liked him my whole life, but all we could ever be was just friends. Yup that's right I've been friend zoned by him. I really which I could know what was going on in that smart brain of his. All we will ever be are friends that's it really, we do everything together like, going to school together, eating lunch together, doing homework together, and just doing other random crazy things with him. It would be perfect if we would date, I mean my mom likes him and his mom likes me it would work perfectly. But no my life is that life where my dreams won't ever come true. He should really know that he's the reason why I don't pay attention in class, why I can't sleep at night, why I just can't really do anything.
{I was about to go a way different way with is story until I remembered it's a romantic fanfic oops😂😂}
Maybe one day things will go my way like I can at least have a date with him just one day.{did u catch that pun}
Today was that day.
As I applied my makeup not too much it will make me seem like a annoying school girl that always likes that popular boy and thinks he's hers bc she's super popular. I chose this dark blue flowy dress that went down to my knees {srry i don't know how to describe dresses}, he never told me why or what he was going to take me, all he said was dress nice. As I arrived to the destination I saw it was a business party. That makes sense his dad owns one of the biggest companies in Korea. His dad probably told him to bring a date. Ugh why did I get my hopes up I know he will never like me. While standing there I felt some arms wrap around my waist, and someone say are ready to go inside my love. It's was Namjoon. He never back hugged me EVER! It's not that I don't want him to back hug me it's just it's too unexpected. Maybe he likes me! No don't get your hopes up Diana. Then he unexpectedly spines me around and plants a soft kiss on my lips. I don't know how to explain it but when the kiss was happening I felt like the world stopped and I felt so safe with him like nothing could hurt me ever. After the kiss was done it was just awkward.
"Um Diana I was meaning to tell you this for a long time, well I kinda like you, well more like love you."
"I love you too Kim Namjoon!"
Lol that's it srry if it's not that romantic but I tried my best. :)

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