Dark Blue ☆ Request

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A/n this is a One shot for Yazzy-Chan_ !!! She is very nice so you should go check her out!
     Clear skies, and the full moon is out. It's Christmas time, most of the houses on my block are ornamented with a variety of different colored lights. There is a special house that stands out, I don't know who owns it due to the fact that they mostly never come out. The house is beautifully decorated with dark blue lights around the roof. The roof is slanted and flat. Though there really isn't that much to look at it still seems to catch my attention. I just love the way it shines in the night against the bland black clear sky. To be honest I've never really viewed the home during the day, it's always during the night. Whether I'm with friends having a campfire or just simply sitting on my roof to take time to unwind it always comes to mind.

  I've heard gossip, they say the person who lives in the eye catching house is a guy about 18 to 22 but no one is sure. Then again it's just gossip that people throw around. There is always gossip in any street. We all know that person who hears everything and tells any living soul. I can't really trust them, no one can. It's tempting to just want to barge into the house and find out who lives there but we can't just have no respect for the resident of the home. I mean I could just knock like a smart person but like I stated rumors go around, especially here.

   Bored as usual I've decided to go to the house and knock to see who resides in there.

  Walking over to the house is quiet, I would've listened to music on the way but it's a short walk no need for that.

  As I walk to the porch I my hand starts to twitch a bit. It's happening again, the time where I just faint and blackout. I can make it this time though I just need to ring the bell and it will go away right?

  I ring the doorbell. I hear footsteps coming near me.

  The door opens, there stands a man who I now presume to be around 19 years old. He is very handsome, his hair is simple but cute. It is a light grey color with some lightened pink and purple colors.

"Hi my name is Yasmine and-"
I started seeing random spots of light through out my vision, my legs were getting weaker. I was wrong it wouldn't go away I might faint.

I start to see blackness and my knees give out. My eyes are closed.

"She seems alright for now, she might need some extra care and someone to help her for now but as long as she takes her pills and stays healthy she shouldn't blackout anymore."

"Thanks Doctor, I will take care of her and make sure she gets healthy."

"Ok good now if you don't mind I need to continue with my work, so I will just leave you here."

I am confused, I think I am in the hospital but who brought me here?

"Are you awake yet Yasmine?"
It's guy, my neighbor.

"Um yes but why exactly am I here?"
"All I remember is fainting and falling."

"Oh well I caught you before you fell and took you here so could be checked up."
" I mean I couldn't just leave you knocked out right on my porch, I had to do something"

"Oh thanks anyways, but what is your name?

" Sorry I never introduced myself, I'm Bambam."
"It's not my real name but I rather use it than my birth name which is hard to say."

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