Part 3

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'Owh, who are you?' Mrs. Spot asks me as she scans me. 

'I'm Tess. Tess Black.' I say as we shake hands awkwardly. 

'Guys! Guys!' Mrs. Spot says as she turns herself to the class. Again, surprised how fast they settle down and become quiet, I look at the people sitting in front of me. A new class again, full of new people. Yuck. 

'Please welcome Miss Tess Black, people.' She laughs and she moves aside, leaving me standing in front of the class. 'Please say something about yourself, Tess.' Mrs. Spot says.

I smile awkwardly and look at the class, 'Well, hi, I'm.. uhm.. Tess, as Mrs. Spot said before. I uh.. live in Toronto, but that's pretty obvious hah. And uhm.. you can probably guess where I'm from. I moved house Friday.'

'Good,' Mrs. Spot smiles as she looks into the class again. 'Any questions?' Surprisingly, many hands raise. Just when the teacher picks one boy, it sounds like the speakers in the classroom explode. I make a little jump out of surprise. 

However, the pupils probably think it's all day business, because they stand up and stand behind their chairs. 

A big orchestra comes from the speakers. What the hell was this?

'What the fuck?' I whisper, but get shushed by the teacher. 

When the awful song is over, everyone sits down again. 

The pupils start to laugh when they see my face. 

'It's 'oh Canada', we have that every morning.'  A boy in front says to me. 

'Every fucking morning?' I whisper back. 

He nodds his head and smiles.

'Sorry for interrupting you,' Mrs. Spot says. 

I smile.  'It's okay.'

'Well, where were we?' Mrs. Spot says and she looks at the class.

The fingers come again and hands are raised.

'Yeah?' I say and look at the class with a face.

'Thomas.' Mrs. Spot says.

'Are you from Australia?' the boy in front asks.

I nod my head.

'Next, Sophie,' Mrs. Spot says.

'How old are you.' the girl with the two short braids asks.

'17.' I say.


'Where in Australia did you live?'

'In Riverstone, it's in the good old outskirts of Sydney,' I answer.

'Is that the capital?' she asks.

I roll my eyes and nod my head. 'Yeah sure, but no, Canberra is the capital. It's between Sydney and Brisbane.'

'Owh, topographyyyyyy!' Another boy in the back says.

I give him the finger but as soon as I do that, the whole class bursts out into a 'ooooooooowh!'

I roll my eyes but I feel someone grabbing my arm, which causes my leather jacket to be pushed up.

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