Part 5

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Quickly picking myself up again, I think that he probably has went the wrong way - maybe he just walked inside the wrong room.

But just when I think that, he walks to the door and closes it behind him.

'I'm sorry, I'm a bit late.'

My eyes widen and I have to be careful not to drop my jaw. He has slang! He has this awesome ridiculously perfect slang!

The corners of my mouth turn a little upwards, as if they're climbing up a mountain. I smile.

'Nice to meet you,' he smiles back as he puts his hand in front of me.

I can't help myself but look at the ground for a moment before looking up again. Quickly remembering that he wants to shake hands, I stand up and carefully touch his warm hand. It's big and mine completely gets lost in his.

'Is it so good to meet me?' He jokes as he looks at my mouth.

My mouth?

Owh shit, I look like a complete idiot as I stand there, smiling.

'No sorry,' I say whilst stopping smiling. 'It's just, you come in that door and say hi and you have this lovely accent. I mean, come on, you're Australian and that's so so so awesome.' I can't help myself but smile again. 'Okay sorry, just had to say that.'

He giggles - which is inhumanly cute - and then smiles as well. 'Yeah, I'm from Hornsby. Ever heard of that?'

Now, my jaw drops for a short second after I stumble: 'That's... That is the neighbourvillage of my village!'

'Owh really! That's cool. Awesome that you're from Australia too.'

I look at his shoes before looking up again. Now, I notice how tall he is - at least a couple of inches bigger than me.

He smiles and pushes his hand out again, in my direction. 'Nice to meet you. I'm Ashton Irwin, but please just call me Ashton.'

Ashton! Even his name is adorable!

However, I pick myself up and shake his hand once more. 'Hi. I'm Tess.'

'Please sit down,' he says as he points at the red chair behind me.

I sit down.

He sits down in the other chair in front of me.

And my smile fades away. Damn it, my new life has begun. And I don't want it.

'So, tell me something about yourself Tess. If you would like to.'

'I don't like to do that,' I say with raised eyebrows and a small mouth. Then I smile for a short second. 'But what do you want to know?'

'Uhm, your age, I already know where you come from so you don't need to say that, what pets you have, what brought you here, etcetera.'

I frown.

'Well, hi, I'm Tess Black, but please call me Tess, I'm 17 years old, I'm from Riverstonel in New South Wales in Australia, back there I had a pet called Joy, she was a Dachshound, and ehm. I was born there and lived there until my dad got a new job offered here, in Toronto. So then we moved last week, let's see, I've lived here for about 4 days now.'

I notice Ashton's curly hair dance up and down every time he nods at my sentences.

'So, okay, I'll just jump into it. What brings you here, at Serium?'

I sigh and I look down at my black shoes, noticing how close they are to his grey converse. 'Uhm.'

'You can take off your jacket by the way.' Ashton says, as if he reads my mind.

'That's it.' I say with a blank look on my face.

Ashton lifts his head a bit and looks me right in my eyes. His eyes are beautiful too, with this green hazel colour in it. Anyways, they are light brown. Just special. I like him. Better than Jim.


I sigh and quickly scan his shoes before looking at him again. 'Yeah.'

'How long have you been doing it?'

'I don't know, for about 3 years I guess.'

'And why?'

'Because it makes me feel better. And when my parents noticed them, they sent me to a psychiatrist immediately.'

'Okay.' Ashton says. 'Do you... Do you want to stop?'

I wait a few seconds before I have my answer. I have to think first.

'I.. I don't know. Yes, I guess. Yes. But.. I just can't do it. Really. I don't believe in people who say they've stopped. I have never met someone though, who also did it. I mean, you know, who've also done it.'

Ashton remains silent for about one minute.

The clock ticks and I hear my heart thump quietly.

'I guess you have met someone who did it too. And who has stopped.' he suddenly says. With that, he pulls up his shirt's sleeves and shows his inner arms.

I gasp.

In front of me is a boy sitting with the same scars as I have.

I look away and sigh loudly.

He got me.

Welcome to Serium, Tess, welcome to Serium.


Dear person who reads this :)

First of all, thank you for reading my book! You're awesome! <3

Secondly, there will happen more stuff soon :) And we'll skip some time haha, so it will get less boring ;)

Love you <3


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