Part 13

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'Nine, ten.' Ashton says, as I hear him paddling around the river.
I have to keep myself up from the water, because the stream is getting stronger and I don't want to get pulled under.
'Found you,' I hear him laugh when he paddles around the corner of the stone I'm holding myself onto.

'Okay, nice.'

'You are such a bad loser,' Ashton giggles.

'I'm not,' I mutter.

'Yes you are.'

'No, I'm not Ashton, I'm not,' I say as I cross my arms.
I forget that I was holding the stone and the river pulls me away from the stone, away from Ashton.
Ashton quickly paddles towards me and we float further down the river, together.

'Ashton, lets go back.' I suggest. 'The stream is getting stronger.'

'Good idea. Come on, let's go,' Ashton says as he turns his kayak with only one paddle and he starts kayaking up the river again.

'Ashton.' I say with a serious face as I push my head up from the water.
He turns around.
'Wíth me, please.'

'Oh sorry, I thought that you were going to swim.'

'You're so mean.'

'I'm not,' Ashton says with a small voice.

'Yes you are,' I huff. 'Come on, I'm getting tired and the water is cold.'

'Come on, take my hand,' he says whilst he kayaks the boat next to me.
I reach for his hand, but suddenly get pulled under by the water.
Swimming up and gasping for air, I look around.

Ashton is still next to me.

I reach out for the boat, but get pulled under again.

'What is this,' I whisper as my head comes above the surface again.

'Tess, we gotta hurry up, the stream is getting stronger quickly.' Ashton says and I can hear that his voice is slightly worried.

'I'm trying,' I say with a frown as I look behind me and see a fast stream in the river full of white foam, stones and water. 'Ashton, you gotta help me.' I say annoyed.

'Take my hand, Tess, then I can pull you up in the kayak.'
When I reach for the boat, I can touch it and quickly aim for Ashton's by hand, which also works out well. When he has my hand, he pulls me towards the red kayak.

'Watch out!' he suddenly screams with a high voice and I turn around, seeing a big, black stone coming closer very quick. I feel my head hitting the stone hard and with that I lose Ashton's hand.

I gasp for air before I get pulled under by the water.

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