Chapter 1: Introduction

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Hello my name is Jay and well I'm not the most popular kid at school and well I get bullied a lot.  But I don't focus on that I focus on what I like which are my grades and my family.  My parents, Ed and Edna,  are worried about me because I don't talk a lot and I am shy around new people.  Right now I go to a school called Lego high. I'm not really proud of it but my parents said were moving to a new town and I will go to a new high school called Ninjago High. So that makes me nervous.



Hello my name is Kai.  At Ninjago High I guess you could say I'm one of the popular kids.  Every one at school knows not to mess with me. I don't really care about my grades I'm lucky if I even get a B.  I have a sister but she doesn't care what I do and my parents they are proud of me being popular. I can't wait to see what the next day brings.


Hey my names Cole.  At Ninjago High  I not popular but I service high school with my friends Lloyd and Zane.  I usually get good grades. I don't care much about studying so I take notes I can remember for a test. I avoid some people but I try to focus on school. My Dad works a lot because we don't have a lot of money since my mom ran from my family. So I go and try to make some money every chance I get. 



  Hello my name is Zane. I'm smart enough to know popularity makes people bullies and well I am not popular. I'm also not sky either just I prefer to not meet new people. My two friends are Cole and Lloyd. Well I care for my grade and well I study a lot.  I live with my father and well we do everything together since I don't have a mom. My father is always proud of me.  Well at Ninjago High some day I really don't want some days but this week coming I am ready.



Hello I'm Lloyd and well I have two friends names are Cole and Zane. I get good grades and I am bullied unfortunately I would tell my uncle and mom but they wouldn't listen they only ones that listen to me are my friends. So ya I can't really say more other than I really don't want to go to school somedays.

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