Chapter 8: Getting the blame

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Jays POV
"He's a bully mom" I say.
"Jay! Don't be mean you probably never met him and got to know what's he's like" she exclaimed.
"B-But" I spoke before my mom cut me off.
" Jay stop it!" She screamed. Then she left my room. I was left there sitting on my bed and I had tears in my eyes.
___________________________________ Endas POV

I can't believe Jay would say someone he just met is a bully. I walk off into the kitchen to get that stuff ready when I hear the knocking on the door.
Zanes POV
My dad deiced to take me to meet the new people down the street even though I already know that Jay moved right there. My dad knock them I saw what I guess is his mom.
" Hello" my dad greeted.
"Oh well hello my names Edna" Edna greeted.
" My names Zane and this is my father Dr. Julien" I spoke for my dad.
" Oh cool my son is in his room but his name is Jay" she said. Then I see someone walking down the steps. Edna looked a little angry but fine.
" Oh this is my son Jay" she says as she motions him to come.
" How about Zane and Jay talk to each other while Edna and I talk" my father suggests.
" That's sounds great" I say.
Jays POV
I take Zane to my room to talk. I motion him to sit on the bean bag I have in my room while I sit on my bed.
" Hey Zane" I say then take a drink of the water bottle that's near me.
" Hey Jay this room is impressive" looking at all of the machines and photos of my family and awards I have won because of my mechanic skills.
" Thanks" I say not loudly.
" It looks like something's brothering got you" he tells me. I look up at him with a sad smile.
" Ya but I'm not surprised" I say starting to open up about my story before I came to Ninjago High.
" What do you mean?" He asked.
" Before I came here, I was always bullied because of my geekyness, I never told my mom because she wouldn't believe me and I guess I was right" I say getting sad.
" Wow I would never believe you were bullied" he says. I smile at him    but I started to get tears in my eyes.
" Why are you crying?" He asked.
" I'm always getting the blame for everything even when it's not my fault" I say starting to cry.

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