Chapter 15: Halloween Plans

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Authors Note: Ok I know its been like a month since I updated this so a few words to explain why it took so long is Sports, Friends, Feelings and school. I have been trying so hard to update this but it hasn't worked out. Also i had a bit of writers block because I had to write two essays for school😒. So I might have skipped time a little but I finally had a idea to do something Halloween related. So here's a Halloween Chapter. Also this chapter is going to be short because im writing this while im supposed to be going to bed but I Promise that the next chapter is going to be longer.
Jays POV
Im so happy that Halloween is tomorrow. This is like the one day I can do anything I want. So I dont have to go out and deal with anyone but right as I think that Lloyd walked up to me.
" Hey Jay" Lloyd greeted me.
" Hey" I reply.
" So my uncle and mom had a idea to have a Halloween party tomorrow and since I didnt want to do it I can have some friends up stairs while there's the party so do you want to come hang out tomorrow?" Lloyd asked.
" Sure why not!" I said because I didnt want to seem rude bye it also might be fun.
" Cool!  Zane  and Cole  are going to come too so we can have like a friends night" he said.
Lloyds POV
After school im walking to my uncles  shop when I see Halloween decorations up already. My mom walks up to me and gives me a hug.
"So Lloyd did you get your friends to come" Misako asked.
" Ya were just going to hang upstairs ok?" He asked.
"Sure! But dont be dissapoinyed if its to loud" she warned.
"I know" I say annoyed.

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