Chapter 18:Luck

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Jays POV
I look up and see Kai and I froze I really didnt need this right now. Today is a day were I was trying to see if I could get away but of course he has to come get me. 

"What you doing nerd" Kai said and I was surprised that he called me nerd. Usually he doesn't call me names. 

"What do you want Kai?" I asked. Suddenly he came close to me and made sure I couldn't move. 

"Do my homework, your smart enough to do it" he said seriously.

"B-But it's your homework not mine" I say then that's when he kneed my chest. 

"Do It Now Nerd" again with that nickname I was so used to. Suddenly he got distracted that's when I took my chance to run to lunch with Zane,Lloyd and Cole.  I was running so fast in trying to get away from Kai I was rushing like a race horse. That's when I saw Zane, Lloyd and Cole at the table they usually sit at. 


Coles POV

I was talking with Zane and Lloyd when I see Jay literally running towards the table where he literally sat down and tried to mumble a sentence. 

"Hey Jay" Zane greeted.

"Hey" he said quieter than usual. 

"Why you so late to lunch Jay?"asked Lloyd. 

He just said one certain name that we all didn't want hear "K-Kai" Jay said.

"Wow; he has been awhile though since he has bullied anyone" I say.

"Ya but he's doing more than the last time" Jay says as he puts his head down.

"Like what?" asked Zane.

"Don't want to talk about it" Jay mumbled.

"Ok" Lloyd, Zane and I say. 

"So who's taken the big test so far" 

"Jay and I both have" Zane says as we try to take his mind off of Kai. 

                                                    -Time Skip after Lunch Still Coles POV-

"At least he got away" Lloyd said. 

"Ya but wonder if  he didn't?" I ask.

"I don't know" Lloyd admitted. 

"It sounds like like he's having a lot of luck" I say.


Nya's POV

I have noticed for the past week Kai was wired I just wonder what he's planning.

"Hey Kai" I say.

"What do you want?" Kai asked.

"What are you planning?" I asked.

"Nothing you have to wait and see" Is all he said before he walked away. 


Edna's POV 

I noticed that Jay had more homework than usual. Also he's starting the Mr Quiet thing again. I just hope he's ok.

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