Chapter 14: Zanes Freindship

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Zanes POV
I see Jay in his seat next to me just have tears in his eyes. I feel bad for him having to deal with Kai. Kai can go too far and brings Nya into his game. After the bell rings I hurry to catch up with him.
" Jay are you ok?" I immediately ask once I catch up.
" Ya" he says but I dont believe him.
" I saw that you were crying" I say to confess.
" I hate my life" he whispered. I didn't really hear it but I nodded. I knew I Kai needs to stop be he busy cant.
Jays POV
I just couldn't think that note was ok my mind. Zane was asking about the tears I just couldn't handle it. Of course I didn't have the courage to read the rest but I knew that Zane was one I could trust. After school I guess I will tell him. But sometimes I realize school sucks.
That note is still making me laugh I dont know why im still laughing. I start to think about Nya. I saw her laughing about the note. I wondered is Nya becoming what I wanted her to become.
Zanes POV
I see Jay coming to lunch still teary. I pat him ok the the back gently and say " Its going to be alright."

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