Chapter 15

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*Room tour*

When you first walk into the room, you get hit by the smell of cinnamon, from the cinnamon scented candles on the drawers beside my bed. The double bed is covered in pillows, even a 'subscribe' pillow. The duvet is aesthetically pleasing as it is all white and goes well with the light grey walls.

The wall above my bed is covered in fairy lights, rows and rows of them. On the other wall near the door there is a desk, that has my laptop and my phone on it, with small shelves underneath for my favourite books and collectables.
There are shelves above the desk, again for books, but Jack put a few small Sams and Tiny Box Tims on the very top shelf.

The other wall of my bedroom is taken up by my wardrobe, and inside Jack and Mark have already gotten some clothes for me, after finding out my size from Cristina.  Beside the wardrobe is my bathroom, which has like grey tiles and white walls. On the door to my room there is a grey 'L'- L for Laura. Just as you walk in there is a big board, where I'll be able to put photos of memories I make in my new life, maybe of friends and family.

After looking at every inch of my room I jump onto the bed, and I gesture for Mark and Jack to jump on too.
We all laugh as Mark misses the bed completely and bangs into the wall. He shakes his head, laughing too.

After he successfully jumps on he starts to tickle me, which is a strange feeling for me as I've barely ever gotten tickled in my life. But I soon adapt to it and start shrieking as Jack joins in too. I grab a pillow and try to bat them with it. But Mark grabs it away from me and keeps tickling. After what seems 10 minutes they finally stop, and I can finally breathe properly again.

Jack and Mark leave me to record, as they have missed two days from being locked inside with no electricity, and they are still youtubers after all. I go to my laptop and phone, and set them both up and connect them to the Internet. I download a few social medias like Snapchat, Tumblr and Instagram.
But I have no friends, so I'm not gonna get famous any time soon, who would want to follow me anyways?

I decide to go onto Wattpad instead, and continue my story. I really enjoy writing, I would love to be a journalist or a author when I grow up.

*Jack's POV* (it's been ages since I've done his POV oops)

Im so happy that Laura is already enjoying herself here, she already feels like a part of the family, a daughter we never had.

We both leave her to go record. Since Mark and I have two separate recording rooms we have little signs that we hang up outside our recording rooms, signalling that we are recording. Marks is a tiny box tim and mine is septic Sam, they are very cute images as well, drawn by a viewer.

I go and record a Happy Wheels Video, as everyone loves those. I realise that I am so close to the hundredth episode, I don't want this series to end! I make the video extra long to treat the viewers. I also record a Spyro 3 video, I love that game so fucking much. Video games have always been my life, I live and practically breathe video games. It makes me sad that Spyro doesn't do as well as other games on the channel, not everyone loves old games. But the people who do watch it love it so much so I'm definitely going to continue the series.

I suddenly get a email, I open it up and get excited from the title. "Mark! Come in here and look at this!" he comes running in, topless. He blushes when he sees me eyeing him up and down.
"What? It was hot in my room" he smirks at me. "Maybe you should stay in that room more often" I say, smirking back.
"Stop it, babe, what did you want me for?" he grabs the seat beside mine and sits beside me. I can feel the heat off his body.

"Look! We've been invited to PAX!" I say excitedly. It's only a few weeks away. "That would be great to meet the viewers!" He says, happily. "What about Laura?" he says. "Mark, I think it's time that we come out as a couple" I say, looking over at him, smiling. It seems the right time to do it. "Yeah, okay, I should probably put a shirt on" he says, smiling. "Probably the best idea" I say laughing.

A few minutes later we sit down in front of the camera. I make sure they flat door is locked so no one can come in while we record and lock us in. Laura is here anyways if anything goes wrong.

*wha-psh!* "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! Today I'm here with the ol' Mark!" "Who you calling old boy?!" he says jokingly. We both laugh.
"Well, today isn't a fun collab or anything, it's a bit more serious. This has been something that has been going on behind the scenes of our videos and our lives for a while now" Mark nods, smiling at me. "Mark and I are together" We hold up our hands, both of our hands have rings on them.
"We have been hiding this for a while now, but we decided that this was the time to come out" Mark says. "There is also something else hiding behind the scenes" the door opens, and Laura walks in. "Hey guys!" she says, smiling at the camera. She already seems like a natural. "We have a daughter!" We all cheer and laugh. "We have adopted Laura as we wanted to have a small family and Laura was the perfect choice" I say, smiling at her.
"If we see any hate towards our relationship or Laura we will ban you from both of our channels" Mark says seriously. "This is a personal topic and I hope that all of you understand" I add, holding Marks hand tight.
Laura nods. "Thank you all for understanding, and we hope to see you in the next video" "buh-bye!" We all say together, smiling into the camera.

We both edit the video, Laura helps as well. "Wow, you seem really good at this stuff" I say, smiling. "Well, I really like technical stuff, I love working with computers and devices" she says, smiling back at me. "Mark, we definitely chose the right one!" I say laughing. Laura blushes but soon joins in and laughs with us.
I upload the video to both of our channels and quickly comments and views flood in. Most people are understanding and kind about it, but there are a few jealous fans that comment mean things to Laura, calling her ugly and many other hurtful words. I ban and report quickly so Laura won't see, I don't want to hurt her feelings.

"Pizza, anyone?" Mark asks, holding the phone, about to order Dominos. "Yes please!" Laura and I say. Mark orders pepperoni, and I order the same. Laura gets a Hawaiian. The pizzas come quickly and I pay the deliver a tip. "Thank you so much!" He says, looking at the tip I gave him. "No problem! Hope you have a lovely day!" I say, smiling.

This is the best mood I've been in,in a while. Everything seems to be going up from here. I can't wait for the future of our family. I wonder what it would be like when Laura gets a boyfriend or girlfriend. I smile at the thought. We won't let her get one any time soon.

"Pizza!" I shout, and Laura comes to help me with the boxes and drinks. We all tuck in, while watching "Friends". My favourite show of all time. I had treated myself to the entire box set of all the seasons so there was a lot to watch. Luckily Laura loves the show too.

We sing along to the theme song, and even Mark sings too, even though he isn't a big fan. Maybe I've won him over.

We all feel stuffed after the food and we decide to go to bed early. I go say goodnight to Laura and walk into our bedroom, where Mark is changing. I blush as all he is wearing is his boxers. He laughs "Impressed?" "I've seen better" I say jokingly, and he lightly punches me in the arm.

I strip down and get into bed with him. I feel the heat of his body, and I immediately feel warmer and cosy. "I love you so much, I hope you know that" I say whispering. "I never thought that I would be able to call you my best friend, let alone my boyfriend. I'm so proud of you and-" Mark kisses me, and I feel a spark. "Shhhhh" he says, between kisses. "I love you more"

"Not possible"

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, it's the longest so far as well!
Do people want smut? ;)
I never thanked you for 100 reads! Thank you soooooooo much! We are nearly already at 200 reads oml.
I love this story so much omg.

QOTD: What's your ultimate dream?
AOTD: To meet Jack and Mark, even though I live in Ireland, and only a few hours away from Jack I'll probably never meet them 😪

Aoife- 12th of July.

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