Chapter 49

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Joe's POV

'I've fucked up I've fucked up I've fucked up' I say to myself as I run after Laura, pushing through everyone, but when I open the door to outside, I can't see her anymore. My heart is pounding,  and I feel like I'm going to be sick.

I feel someone tap my shoulder and I see Chloe, her face is pale and she's shaking. "Joe I-" she begins but I stop her "What made you think that was okay Chloe? I've just lost my girlfriend!" I shout at her, right at her face. "I'm sorry okay? I don't know what came over me" She cries, walking away in the opposite direction.

I groan, sitting on the concrete floor. I don't care what people think anymore. I've just lost my other half, my girlfriend, my bestfriend. I should've done it before the show, make her something more than just my girlfriend.

Tears start rolling down my face, I can't stop. I have no control over myself, I just cry, my clothes are wet and I'm a mess but who the fuck cares? Nobody.

Images come into my mind, us walking up the aisle. She's smiling, and she looks so beautiful. I smile and kiss her, slipping the ring onto her finger. Everyone stands up and cheers, congratulating us as we celebrate our first day together as husband and wife. But that will never happen. It's my fault.

It's always my fault.

Laura's POV

Tears roll down my face as I walk out of the building, I don't stop for anything or anybody. People stare at me as I walk by, some look sympathetic, some just look worried and confused. I probably look a mess, mascara running down my face, my eyeshadow smudged and my foundation is long gone.

I walk over to a taxi who's pulled over on the road. I go up to the drivers window, wiping my face. "Um are you working right now?" I ask, and the man nods, staring at my face. "Uh, yeah sure hop in" I nod, getting in the backseat.

*time skip*

I give the driver twenty euros, even though the journey was cheaper than that. I mumble "Keep the change" and I walk quickly into the flat building, not bothering to wait for the elevator. I just want to be in my bed.

I fumble with the key in the lock, but finally I'm back home. I run to my bedroom and get under the covers. The images are still in my brain, Chloe kissing Joe, they looked.... happy. That should've been me.

I cry into the pillow, and when I look back up the pillow is stained with mascara, the stains will probably never come out. I look around my room, realising how lonely I am without Joe. Better get used to it. Suddenly, everywhere I look I realise I see Joe's clothing, his scent is everywhere. He won't leave me alone.

Suddenly, the room starts spinning and my vision is blurry. I know this feeling all too well. Don't happen now, don't panic breathe in and out.

But it's not working, my vision is nearly black. I know I'm going to pass out any minute. I grab my phone from my pocket, and I somehow go into contacts and press a number. I don't know who it is, but I hope they pick up.

"Hello?" It's a female voice. "H-hello um I-I'm h-having a p-panic attack" I stumble my words, my body is shaking. "Laura, don't worry I'll be over as quick as I can" she says, I still don't know who it is. "Don't h-hang up, p-please" I whisper.

"Don't worry I won't, just breathe in, and out" I follow her words, breathing in and out. "Don't worry, I'm nearly there" She says and I don't answer, I just focus on breathing. Suddenly, I hear a noise behind me. "Laura I'm here" She says again, lifting me up off the ground.

"Keep breathing, I'll get you a drink of water, just try to stay standing up" She says, running to the kitchen. I lean against the wall, and slowly but surely my vision comes back. It's still a bit blurry but I can just make out who's in front of me.

Hannah's POV

I smile as she looks up at me, she looks a mess. I think I know why. "Hannah, m-me and J-Joe" she begins but I shush her. "I kind of guessed" I say, sitting down beside her. "Well, technically w-we haven't b-broken up yet" She says, gaining back some strength. "What do you mean?" I ask (DONT)

"He was kissing a-another girl" She says, looking down at the floor. I hesitate before saying anything. I thought they would be together forever. They were the 'couple goals' in school, but I guess not. "I'm sorry" I say awkwardly, afraid to say anything that might upset her. She shakes her head, looking up at me and giving me a weak sad smile. "It's okay" she whispers, wiping her eyes.

"You can always talk it out, it has happened to couples before and they somehow work it out" I suggest, immediately regretting what I just said. Laura shakes her head. "Thanks for trying to help, but I'll have to figure this out myself" She says, nudging a bit closer to me.

I hold her hand, squeezing it. She smiles. I look at her face, studying it. Her face is pale, and black from the mascara mixing with her tears. But it still looks soft to touch. Her eyes are the brightest blue, and they go perfectly with her long eyelashes and long brown hair. She's perfect.

"Laura, I'm sorry for earlier I wasn't thinking" I confess, expecting Laura to say something horrible but she just smiles. "It's fine, you must feel good to come out" She says, squeezing my hand back. "Yeah" I relax, "It's like a weight lifted off my shoulders" Laura smiles.

It's a dream come true. But one of my dreams will never come true. No one will ever know what it is, and I don't intend to tell anyone. I guess I'll have to settle for the second best person that comes my way. But I don't think I can.

"Hannah, I-" But she is interrupted by my lips touching hers. I'm kissing her, and she doesn't pull away. Slowly, the kiss becomes more passionate and Laura grabs both my hands. I stop, thinking I messed up.

"Don't worry, you haven't messed up" She whispers, reading my mind. She kisses me again, and I touch her soft face, cupping her face in my hand. I don't want it to end.

Hola amigos

It feels so good writing again, and I've missed it so much. Thank you so much for 25k!!! Also snapchat is on 9k! WTF I LOVE YOU <333

So much has happened the past month, thank you for waiting :)
Also, do you want a face reveal? I kind of want to lol comment right now if you want it in the next chapter 😊

Aoife~ 4th of November

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